11-Is This Really The Path You Want To Follow?

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Hope paced her bedroom, wondering how to break through to Lucy. The Celestial had essentially locked herself away into her own room, keeping everyone out. The Mikaelson girl knew what it was like to have friends betray you. She also knew what it was like to grapple with one's inner darkness.

"Hope, please, you can't keep pacing like that. You'll burn a hole into the wood." Lizzie sighed as she leaned against the redhead's doorframe.

"I'm thinking!" Hope threw back at her, not even bothering to glance her way. Lizzie frowned, feeling rejected. This new girl had become Hope's world in a matter of days. Lizzie hated the thought that she wasn't Hope's favorite blonde.

Lizzie growled and grabbed Hope, siphoning her magic. Hope tried to protest, but Lizzie snapped her neck, ignoring the way her body dropped to ground in a crumpled heap.


Lucy was startled when the blonde in Hope's friend group appeared before her. She had used her powers to carefully weave a barrier that should have been impenetrable to anyone that wasn't celestial.

"How did you-?" Lucy started before Lizzie had her pinned to the wall in the blink of an eye.

Lizzie's normally bright blue eyes turned a harsh red color, smoky gray veins forming underneath them. Fangs protruded from her lips in a snarl.

"Listen to me and listen to me good, you blonde crime against humanity. Hope and I may have our differences, but if you hurt her, Lucifer, I will find out how to send you to hell."

To emphasis her point, Lizzie stepped back and blasted Lucy with the strongest spell she could think of, using the power she siphoned off of Hope.

Lucy cried out as she felt pain everywhere. Her instincts kicked in, a very tiny voice inside of her whispering to let the darkness in. Her own eyes turned a vicious crimson, her normally white sclera turning pitch black. Instead of punching the other blonde with a fire engulfed punch, she formed a fireball into her hands. Every move she made with her Shadow magic seemed natural, like she had done this before. It was possible it was her mind recalling what she was doing before she Fell.

She launched the fireball, but missed due to Lizzie's incredible speed. Her vanity caught fire, immediately burning the very few photos she had taped around the mirror. She watched as a photo of her and Zach, the only one, taken by Lexi in the hospital, burned to ash.

Rage enveloped her core like a wildfire ripping out of control. She felt some part of her snap, that voice in her head whispering even louder. The more she accepted the darkness in her soul, the more she seemed to grow stronger.

Lucy let out a loud, ear splitting scream. Lizzie immediately flew back, covering her ears as they began to bleed. The vanity fire grew and grew, the flames seeming to pulsate as they ate away at Lucy's humanity spread around her room.

Hope appeared at the same time that flapping wings could be heard. As if materializing out of thin air, a tall blonde Angel stood behind Lucy. He surveyed the room with ice blue eyes, waving his hand. The fire disappeared altogether, although the damage done was still there.

"Who the hell are you?" Hope asked with snark as she stepped towards her friend.

The Angel ignored her, grabbing Lucy by the arm. Before Hope could even react, the pair of Celestials were gone.


"You think this is funny, Lu?!" Gabriel growled as he shoved the young woman into a room. Everything was pure white, insinuating that they were back in Heaven. Lucy's skin crawled only slightly, like an it h she couldn't scratch or a sudden chill.

"Uncle Gabriel?" Lucy asked, brief flashes of buried memory surfacing.

"I sent you Falling so that you would bind your shadow magic and absolve yourself!" The male bellowed, his voice echoing around them. "Instead you tarnish your mother's image by embracing the darkness! Do you have ANY idea what embracing that darkness does to your soul?!"

"It makes me stronger!" Lucy argued, finding that she couldn't quite access either side of her powers here.

Gabe scoffed, shaking his head. He let out a long sigh, his face turning bright red. When he looked up at Lucy, he could have frozen her with his cold gaze.

"It eats away at your soul until there is nothing left but evil! No more humanity! No more light! Is this really the path you want to follow?!"

"If I don't, Rex Malorum will destroy Heaven!" Lucy tried to get him to understand her, pleading with her eyes and voice.

Gabe had heard rumors of this Rex Malorum. A rogue Angel who allowed darkness into their heart. He never truly believed it, assumed it was more of a cautionary tale to tell the young Angels.

"He's a myth." Gabe narrowed his eyes.

"No! He's real and he's my half brother!" The young blonde threw her hands up in the air. "I'm trying to protect Heaven, Gabriel!"

"And I am trying to protect you! I vowed to Faith that I would care for her children, but I cannot allow an abomination to demolish Heaven!"

As Gabriel got into her face, a face so like his dead best friend's, the world around them shook. Lucy felt it briefly, while Gabriel felt it full force.

"What was that?" Lucy asked, noticing that Gabriel's stance was now in a different position. He stood guarded and alert, like a dog that just heard a whistle in the woods.

"Something's... happening." Gabriel frowned, stance rigid. "Something... dark."

Lucy had a brief moment to think about what he meant before darkness engulfed them both. As Lucy succumbed to it, she could heard a maniacal laugh echoing around her.

If she was in Heaven, she no longer there. This was Hell.

 This was Hell

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