2-What If Sending Her Signs Her Death Sentence?

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"Is this necessary? Wouldn't this be putting a target on her back?" Lexi asked. The three Warners and Lucy were all in Malcolm's car in front of the Salvatore school. It was a school for special kids like Lucy. Lucy herself probably didn't need the schooling, but she definitely needed help from someone who could actually help her. Malcolm was at a complete loss.

"If anyone knows how to keep her safe, it's Caroline Forbes." Malcolm sighed, remembering the first time he had met the blonde woman that ran the school. She had reminded him of his late wife in their prime.

"Why don't we just wait for Zachariah to show up again?" Scarlet asked, eyebrow raised. Although it had been three weeks since Lucy had last seen Zach, the young girl still held out hope that he would come back for her, like he said he would.

"We don't even know what Lucy is! What if sending her signs her death sentence?" Lexi asked, trying desperately to get her dad to see her point of view. She felt like this was a trap. Just sitting in the car in front of the doorway made her skin crawl.

"They can help her. The least we can do is go and talk to Caroline, right?" The graying man looked at all three girls in turn, getting their consent with a head nod. He opened the car door and hopped out, the girls reluctantly doing the same.

Walking the halls to Caroline's office felt like a death sentence for the older Warner girl. These wooden walls felt too cold, too eerie. They hid darkness and dark secrets. Something in that darkness called to her, in the deep recesses of her mind. It made her wish she could take a bath in holy water, and Lexi was anything but religious.

Scarlet, however, felt differently. She eyed every inch of the halls, doors, and decor. All of the students were currently in class, so no one was walking the halls. Disappointed by the lack of people, Scarlet turned her gaze to Lucy.

The young blonde walked slowly, blue eyes gazing over everything. She took everything in with her eyes, her fingers lightly grazing the walls as she moved. Lucy didn't quite know how she felt about this place, but if it could help her, she would at least give it a fair shot.

Malcolm knocked on the door to the headmistress's office, opening it when a voice answered, "It's open!"

All three girls marveled at the beautiful woman in front of them. Although a woman, Caroline looked no older than 18, at least, on the surface. Anyone who took a deeper look could tell that she had years on her soul, so much age and wisdom that her features didn't show. Lucy felt like she could see all of those years in Caroline's eyes.

"Uh, hi, I'm Dr. Malcolm Warner. I spoke to you on the phone about my daughter?"

All three young girls looked at each other. The good doctor certainly wasn't trying to enroll his daughters into the school... But then, Lucy had spent just enough time to become a part of the family.

Caroline nodded her head and gestured to the chairs across from her desk. "Please, have a seat. Which daughter is it?"

Lexi and Scarlet both pointed to Lucy, signaling her out. The blonde blushed and took a seat next to Malcolm while the other two stood behind them.

"Lucy here has been... experiencing these.. powers." Malcolm tried to explain, scratching the back of his neck. His cheeks rivaled his youngest's namesake. He was completely out of his element, but he was trying to be open minded and supportive. Regardless of the supernatural abilities Lucy possessed, she was still just a young girl that needed help. Malcolm would never turn his back on someone's daughter.

Caroline shifted her gaze to Lucy, taking the young girl in. "What kind of powers, Lucy?"

Lucy sighed softly and shifted in her seat. She could tell by the older blonde's eyes that she only wanted to help.

"At first, I healed Lexi. She had.. fallen down the steps and hurt herself. I panicked, wanting to help her, and suddenly, she was perfectly fine.

"Then I... I got so angry about some guy catcalling Lexi that I.. I slapped him and it burned his skin." Lucy felt uncomfortable sharing this bit of information. She hadn't meant to burn the guy, and she would take that part of it back if she could.

"And then, Scarlet was scared when the power went out and I.. I discovered that I could create light with my fingertips."

"It sounds to me like you could be a witch, but I'm not entirely sure. What I do know is that this is the best place for you."

A witch? Was she serious? Witches and magic didn't exist, Lexi thought. Yet, Lucy's powers were magical.

This place was made for special kids. Lexi and Scarlet always thought it was a weird rich kid school, but they were quickly realizing that maybe this school held a much darker secret.

"So when do I... start?" Lucy asked, tilting her head to the side slightly.

"Well, you can start right now if you wish. I can have someone come by and show you around." Caroline's smile was warm and friendly.

Lucy nodded her head. Her eyes were downcast, shy and slightly afraid. Everything about this was brand new to her, yet she felt it deep in her soul that this place and these people could help her.

After a moment, a beautiful red head entered the room. She carried herself with such confidence that Lucy would have sworn she was a mean girl. Yet, her smile was warm and her eyes held a twinkle of mischief in them.

Oh shit, Lucy thought to herself, this is the girl I've seen in town that takes my breath away.

"Hope, will you please show our newest addition around?" Caroline gestured to Lucy. The blonde flushed and looked at her friends. She didn't want to leave them, but she knew she didn't have a choice.

She took one last look over at the man that had been her father figure for the past few months. He gave her a soft smile and a nod, reassuring her that everything would be okay. Without looking back, Lucy followed the pretty girl named Hope out into the school corridors.

 Without looking back, Lucy followed the pretty girl named Hope out into the school corridors

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