1-We Go Wayyyy Back

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The first time that Lucy realized she was special was when Lexi came home from a night out, beaten and bloody. The dark haired girl had made some remark about how the other person looked worse than her, but Lucy didn't know how that could be. The only kind of injury the older Warner girl didn't have was a fatal wound or broken bone.

Lucy lifted her hands to cradle Lexi's face as she looked over the extent of her facial wounds. One of Lexi's eyes was swollen shut, the skin so bruised it was nearly black. Her lip was practically torn in half and her nose was most definitely broken.

Lucy sighed, feeling helpless. She wanted so badly to heal her friend, but how could she? She was only a human, after all.

At least, until a soft blue glow thrummed from her hands and flowed into Lexi. Within moments, every wound healed. Lexi was as pretty as she had been when Lucy last saw her yesterday afternoon.

The second time Lucy realized that she wasn't entirely human was when she found herself face to face with the person that had attacked Lexi. Contrary to Lexi's words, the man didn't look quite as bad as the young girl had that night.

He was tall, but he walked with a limp and slightly hunched over. His nose had tape over it and one of his eyes was dotted black. The only worse wound was that two of his fingers had been broken on his left hand.

In Lucy's personal opinion, this was not enough damage done. Justice had not been served. She was going to have to get it herself.

With a raging inferno boiling in her gut, Lucy stalked forward until she slapped the man in the face. He screamed in pain as his cheek burned as if it had been scorched. Lucy realized that healing wasn't the only mysterious thing she could do. Fueled with enough anger, she could actually burn someone.

The girl had fled the scene after that, actually feeling a little guilty. She hadn't meant to burn him, but she had to admit, it had felt good. It's not like he didn't deserve it. At least now, his wounds were far worse than the dark haired Warner girl.

The third time Lucy noticed she was different was when a huge thunderstorm rolled in, causing a power outage. Scarlet was terrified of the dark, unlike her brave older sister. Even as a teen, Scarlet couldn't stand to be in the dark. Not being able to see, to know, what was out there, possibly in her space, was enough to have the poor redhead having full blown panic attacks.

Lucy felt awful as she heard Scarlet's breathing quicken. She could see well in the dark, surprisingly, but she still couldn't find the younger girl. Her own anxiety grew the longer she endured one of Scarlet's meltdowns. With enough frustration, Lucy managed to make her fingertips spark with light, enough to keep the other girl calm until the power came back on.

Healing. Burning. Lighting. Within three months, she had discovered that she had could do three different things. She could heal. She could burn. She could create light.

She didn't know how to control these powers of hers. They scared her. She could do more harm than good, and if anyone besides the two Warner girls and the man that Lucy slapped knew about what she could do, she could be taken away. Experimented on. Killed.

For weeks, Lucy struggled with the decision to tell Malcolm about it. Scarlet thought it was a good idea and that he could help, but Lexi was against it.

"But why?" Scarlet asked, annoyed. "Dad can help! He's helping with the amnesia thing!"

"Is he? Ask Lucy how much she has remembered since dad started helping her! Nothing!" Lexi snapped back. "Look, Scar, I get it. Dad is... dad. But telling an adult, especially one as old as dad, is a terrible idea. We can figure it out on our own."

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