13-Chance In Hell

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Lucy woke up to chains around every part of her body. She could see Gabriel across the room, in a similar state. The only real difference is that Gabe's wings were out, spread across the wall and pinned to it. A few pristine white feathers fluttered along the ground.

"Gabriel?" Lucy called out to him. The fact that she couldn't move anything besides her fingers and toes made her anxious. Her heartbeat sped up and she felt nauseous. Was the room closing in on them?

"Lucy?" Gabriel groaned as he came to. His body tensed as he realized the predicament they were in.

"These chains are meant to prevent the use of Celestial magic. Not Shadow magic. Use your fear, your strength, your darkness, and you can escape." The voice in her head was her own, but different somehow. Lucy recalled that dark version of herself when she opened herself to the Shadow magic.

"Oh good, you're awake." A deep voice said from outside of Lucy's field of vision. Her ears picked up the sound of heavy footsteps. A tall, muscular blond came into view, tattoos of black and purple swirling over his body.

"Matthew?" Gabriel asked, his voice giving away his utter shock. Is that what had become of Lucy's brother? Had she been right about Rex Malorum?

If Faith could see them now... Gabriel's heart sank to his feet as he realized that he had failed his best friend. He vowed to protect her children, and look at them now. Matthew was an evil shadow of the man Gabriel knew he could be and Lucy was...

Lucy was standing in front of her half brother, free from the chains. The energy rolling off of her was hardly different from Matt's. They both exuded immense power that was both dark and light. Despite the growing darkness in Lucy, her light was stronger than Matt's. Maybe she had a chance at saving Heaven after all.


Mundus stared down at the body below his feet. When he had turned it over, he discovered it was that Nephilim that left his stench all over his daughter.

He sighed and used his Shadow Magic to heal the gaping wound in the poor boy's neck. It would at least mean his Earthly form would be presentable. He just didn't understand why there weren't scorch marks in the earth in the shape of wings.

The boy gasped as the life came back into his eyes and his body. His normally blue eyes turned black and purple for a moment.

"What did you do?!" Zach asked.


Rex Malorum smirked when he noticed how easily the blonde bitch slipped out of his chains. They couldn't hold Shadow Magic, so it was interesting to see that she was smart enough to do so.

"Your friend, Zavier? Zander?" Rex began.

"Zachariah?" Lucy questioned in a snotty, matter of fact tone of voice. Rex couldn't wait to choke that voice from her fragile little throat.

"Yes, him. He found me and I.. well.. I slit his throat, absorbed his Grace, and now.. Now I'm gonna do the same to this feathery fuckhead and then I will take care of you."

Lucy was taken aback, as was Gabriel. Zach was dead? There was no way.

Lucy closed her eyes to mourn, but when she opened them again, they were demonic looking. Shadows swirled around her body, like writhing snakes. Power pulsated from her like heat from flames.

"You think you can defeat me? I've trained for years using Shadow Magic. You are nothing more than a newborn kitten just learning to use its claws." Rex laughed, rolling his neck and shoulders as if he was simply warming up for something.

Lucy smirked, charging at her half brother. She slammed her fist into his chest, but he barely grunted.

Rex backhanded Lucy so hard she went flying across the room. She slammed into the wall, leaving a dent.

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