12-Facing The Darkness

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The moment Caroline saw Lucy's charred room and found out why it happened, she immediately suggested that everyone involved with Lucy, besides Malcolm, needed to use the therapy box.

The therapy box was an enchanted box that allowed one's consciousness to be uploaded to it, creating a simulation in which the user would solve their problem. The user would then be gifted a magical word that would release them from the box.

That's how Hope, Lizzie, Josie, Lexi, and Scarlet all ended up in a fire station, turnout gear on all of them.

"So are we firefighters?" Lizzie asked as she glanced at the ugly brown and reflective green outfit she sported.

"You guys are. We're paramedics." Josie hummed, noticing that her and Scarlet were wearing paramedic outfits.

"What the heck kind of lesson are we supposed to learn from this?" The blonde scoffed in disgust. The last she wanted to do was get her hands dirty fighting fires.

"Well, Lucy's room was ablaze because of you, so maybe that's part of it." Hope said, tone dangerous. She was furious with Lizzie for attacking Lucy like she had.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded above their heads. "Squad 1, Truck 2, and Ambulance 64 to..." The announcer gave the address to where they needed to go. The group, along with some other familiar faces like MG, Kaleb, and Cleo climbed into their respective vehicles and drove towards the location.

Upon arrival, they were met with a burning building, smoke filling the sky, and loads of civilians rushing around outside.

"Alright, let's go!" A voice called from nearby. It was the man that had taken Lucy. He was dressed in a fire chief uniform, making it clear he was the man in charge here. Hope wanted desperately to ask him about Lucy, but he was only a part of the simulation.

The group rushed into the house, calling out for civilians. Lizzie heard a voice first and began maneuvering over furniture towards the person.

Lizzie was surprised to find Lucy underneath a fallen armoire. The fire was licking at the ceiling and one of the walls, inching closer and closer the fallen blonde.

Lizzie didn't even want to help her. Lizzie hated Lucy with everything in her.

"Help me!" Lucy called out in a croak. Her lungs were quickly filling with smoke.

If Lizzie left her there, what would happen? It wasn't the real Lucy, anyway. Maybe it would be cathartic for her.

"Go ahead, do it." A voice came from beneath the fallen furniture. It was no longer Lucy laying there, but Lizzie. With pitch black eyes and ashen veins underneath and black veins surrounding her face, her fangs protruding, this version of Lizzie looked almost nothing like the real deal. It reminded Lizzie a lot of Josie's alter ego, Dark Josie.

"You know you want to. Let that bottle blonde bitch burn." The smirk that overtook Dark Lizzie's face was horrifyingly malicious. Even with no humanity, Lizzie didn't think she could ever be like that.

"You despise her! You're jealous of her. She is closer to Hope than you ever were, and that hurts, doesn't it? You want Hope all to yourself, but that's not going to happen, and you know it. Unless..." Dark Lizzie trailed off.

"Unless what?" Lizzie asked in a barely audible whisper. Was this her fate if she had killed Lucy?

"Kill Lucy. Let her die. Then, Hope will be grieving and she'll need another blonde shoulder to cry on." Within a blink, Dark Lizzie was gone and the only one remaining was Lucy.


Hope wandered through the smoke infested corridors. She called out for any survivors, trying her best to see through the thick gray smoke. If she had her regular powers, she wouldn't be practically blind. She realized how much she didn't like being a human.

"Hello?" Hope called out, coughing from the blackness above her head.

"Help me!" Someone called out. Hope turned into the nearest room, noticing a person hunched up in the corner of the room. She nearly sighed in relief when she noticed the person was Lucy.

"Lucy, it's okay. I'll help you get out of here." Hope said as she made her way towards her friend. When she reached her, however, it was no longer the blonde beauty, but herself without humanity.

Hope gasped as she reeled back in shock. "I thought I killed you." Hope could barely remember that this was just a magical simulation. Her heart beat so fast, she thought it would come straight out of her chest.

"You can't handle Lucy." Dark Hope smirked. "Not at all. But I can."

"No," Hope breathed, feeling like the world was spinning.

"What will you do when Lucy inevitably ends up evil?" Dark Hope asked. She rose one perfect brow, her lips pursed in an 'I'm waiting' expression.

"Lucy would never." Hope growled.

"You did. And after all of that bullshit about Landon, you're now falling in love with someone else. A woman! What a total punch to the nuts for Landon." Dark Hope sneered. "If the right person dies, if Lucy has to make a choice so difficult, so heavy with loss, she will succumb to the darkness in her veins. Just. Like. You."

"Then I will help her. I will fight for her. I know what it's like to deal with darkness. I won't let her fight her demons alone. She won't be the only one facing the darkness." Hope vowed, picking up the halligan and slamming it down against Dark Hope's head.

Only the blood rushing forward came from blonde hair, not red. Her most darkest version of herself was no longer there. In her place was now the whole reason for any of this.


There was a small word written in the pooling blood. Hope said it aloud, "Lux." Only after she escaped the therapy box did she realize what that meant in latin.

" Only after she escaped the therapy box did she realize what that meant in latin

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