Friday, July 7, 2006

348 26 1


I'm so glad this day of school is over. I think this has been one of the worst days at school I've ever had. Although it was also something to be in Valerie's class for almost two full hours. I really enjoyed watching her do her job. She really enjoys it and she is also good at what she does. Just because why I was with her I can get angry again now. Why can't some people settle for being told no to them. Although I do think it has been made clear to them today. I'm just not too happy that I was the subject of conversation throughout the school today. The most exciting stories are circulating again. That's how I would have flown to Caroline's throat. While to my knowledge I only gave her a hard push. Also, almost the whole school now knows how Valerie addressed that girl in her class. I was really pleased with Valerie's sticking up for me, but I hope she doesn't get in trouble for that. Not that she said or did anything wrong, but you never know how people can start twisting stories. But that's all behind me now and I'm going to enjoy my Friday evening.

I'm in Valerie's kitchen. Rose is enjoying playing on the floor with her blocks. Valerie and I are preparing dinner for later. we are going to gourmet and Emma is also having dinner tonight. So really all the ingredients for a pleasant evening. Valerie is making a salad and I am cutting the vegetables and meat into small pieces. Lovely with some music on in the background. I think this has become one of my favorite times of the week. Valerie and I cook together almost every Friday these days. It feels like we've been doing that for years. We move past each other perfectly without getting in each other's way.

Suddenly I see something move out of the corner of my eye. " Melissa! What are you doing?". Valerie screams in shock when I jump on her back. Yeah, okay, maybe that wasn't the best thing to do either. I point to the ground. As soon as Valerie sees what I'm pointing out she starts laughing. "You don't mean to say you're afraid of spiders, do you?" I nod and cling to her even more. I can tell Valerie is laughing even harder, but she's doing her best to contain herself. She turns so I can sit on a clean piece of counter. I immediately pull up my legs and wrap my arms around them. Valerie stands in front of me and looks at me with a nice smile. "I will protect you". she says softly. Then she kisses me on my forehead. "But first I will open the door for Emma". I look at her with wide eyes. "You're not leaving me with that monster." Valerie starts laughing loudly again and then walks out of the kitchen.

Rose has also discovered the spider in the meantime. "Princess what are you doing?" I ask in my trembling voice. "Get Spider". I shake my head hard and try to duck as far as possible on the counter. "Valerie, help." I scream as Rose comes walking towards me with the spider in her hand. Not much later, Valerie and Emma enter the kitchen. "Val, please. Your princess just picks up that monster". Valerie, smiling, walks over to her daughter and lifts her up. "Shall we bring out the spider? Lissa is a little afraid of it. She thinks the spider can eat her." Rose looks at the spider in her hands, then at me, then back at the spider. "Lissa doesn't fit". Of course Valerie and Emma can laugh about that again. "You saw that right, Rose. Lissa shouldn't act like that". I look angrily at Emma. "Should I tell them what you're afraid of?" She shakes her head hard. "Now you have made me very curious". I look at Valerie. "Now go and take that spider out, far away". She nods with a beautiful smile on her face.

Emma smiles at me. "Fortunately it seems to be going a lot better than this morning". I sigh. "I don't know what I prefer". Smiling, she shakes her head. "At least I can laugh about this, so that's better". It also puts a smile on my face. I know how bad Emma feels when she sees me the way she did earlier today. "The monster is safe outside". Says Valerie when she and Rose enter the kitchen again. She comes and stands between my legs and puts her hands on both sides of my hips. "Are you calm now?" she asks softly. I give her a small nod. " Thank you". She rests her forehead against mine. She keeps looking into my eyes for a moment. "I'll do anything to protect you." She whispers so softly that I could hardly hear her. We keep looking at each other until we hear Emma cough. Valerie turns around quickly, but stays between my legs.

Emma smiles at us. " Mel, you have proven again that you really are a wimp ". I stick my tongue out at her. Valerie turns her face so that she looks at me. That makes her lean completely against me now. " Are you going to tell me where she is afraid of". Emma shakes her head hard. I wrap my arms around Valerie and put my chin on her shoulder. "Emma is afraid of butterflies." I whisper in her ear. Valerie starts laughing loudly. "You are really a bunch of heroes." She says as soon as she has finally stopped laughing. " Yes, yes I know. Let's go eat sometime ". Emma tries to say it irritated, but she can't prevent her laughter from being heard "Melissa and I have already finished the preparations. you want to set the table?" Valerie puts her head against mine. "I'll be fine here for a while." I hear her mumble softly. I don't know whether I was meant to hear it, but I can't blame her, I'm fine here too.

It was really fun while eating. After dinner we divided the tasks. Valerie is putting Rose to bed. Emma is picking out a movie and I'm doing the dishes. Most people hate that, but for some reason I like doing the dishes. When I enter the living room after washing up, Emma and Valerie are already ready for the movie. As soon as I sit down on the couch, Valerie spreads her arms. I look at her with a smile. "Can't you wait another ten minutes?". She shakes her head. "Emma wants to get back at me and has picked out a horror movie". With a big smile on my face I crawl close to Valerie. "I will protect you". I whisper to her. Valerie kisses my head and wraps her arms around me tightly.

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