Chapter 22: Lima Charlie

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Jake is stressed beyond belief.

He feels like he is losing control of his kids.

Kiri feels like she can't fit in because she feels the breath of Eywa. Tuk can't seem to be happy at night, memories of her old home flashing through her mind. Neteyam just has his arms crossed, a sad expression on his face, keeping his distance from Esmyrie. Esmyrie can't listen and stay in bed to heal. And Lo'ak.

His youngest son is always getting into trouble. He is beyond the reef, and Jake knows Lo'ak has no idea how to get back home. Jake also knows the dangers that lie beyond the reef, Tonowari explaining them to Jake.

So to say Jake is stressed is an understatement. He is beyond concerned and anxious he feels like his heart is about to beat out of his chest.

He had to go and speak to Tonowari, explain to him that Lo'ak was out in dangerous open water because of Ao'nung.

This information made Ronal disappointed at her eldest and made Tsireya feel fearful for the boy. Although she only knew Lo'ak for a little while, he has become her friend, and she doesn't want him getting hurt because of her brother.

Now Jake is back, having to wait and hope his little boy returns. It was no use for him to go out and try and find Lo'ak, he had no idea where to start looking. He didn't want to get lost in the process, making it impossible for him to know if his son ever returned back safely.

So instead, Jake is watching the open ocean, his eyes peeled to see if he sees any signs of blue.

Neteyam shyly goes to stand next to his dad, not wanting to return to the hut where Esmyrie rests.

"Sir I'm -"

"Where were you?" Jake interrupts, his voice an eerily calm that makes Neteyam shiver.

"I- you told me to watch over Esmyrie."

"And yet she someone arrives with you supporting her. Why was she up?" Jake asks, his patience running thin.

Right now, Jake honestly just wants to be alone, he wants to be alone with his thoughts but he can't. Not when he has a family to take care of.

"I'm sorry sir." Neteyam apologizes, his gaze falling to the ground.

"What happened to being the older brother?"

Neteyam sometimes hates being the oldest. He feels an immense amount of pressure on his shoulders. Like he must live up to his father, and if he doesn't, than Jake will be disappointed in him.

Jake doesn't mean to put all the pressure on his oldest, it just happens. Something he can't control.

"I'm sorry...." Neteyam doesn't know what his father wants him to say.

I'm sorry for leaving Lo'ak to deal with the bullies.

I'm sorry for causing Esmyrie to walk.

I'm sorry for not being who you want me to be all the time.

It feels like Neteyam is getting pushed in every direction. One minutes he is supposed to go help Tuk with the dishes, next its to hangout with Kiri, or to help his mother around the house. And at all times, always, look after Lo'ak.

"It's after eclipse and we have a search party going out to find Lo'ak."

"Dad, I-"

"You should of been there for him." Jake interrupts again, causing the weight on Neteyams shoulders to increase.

Neteyam sometimes wishes he was younger, before his father engraved into him that he must be perfect all the time. When he was just a little kid learning the ways of the world.

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