In The Hospital

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"Hey, beautiful! Are you awake?" Harry's voice was nothing more than a whisper that seemed far away. I didn’t know where I was, but I felt safe since Harry was here. Wait, Harry was here! I opened my eyes to see the angle but my venison was blurred by the lights in the room I was in. I hadn’t noticed before but my head hurt. I become startled by the light and tried to yell but noticed I couldn't. My eyes finally adjusted and I noticed I was in a hospital room. I looked over to see where Harry's voice had come from and saw him there with his head in his hands. The room was silent no one or thing moved i looked around and saw that Harry and I where alone. "Harry?" I croaked out barely being able to speak. He looked up in surprised with his cheeks stained with tears and eyes with agony and surprise. He raced over to the bed side and kissed my forehead. I was so confused because I had no I idea what was going on. "Harry what’s going on?" I asked more aggressive and trying to find my voice. "I can't believe you are alive!" He kissed my lips this time. In the kiss I could taste his sadness. "Do you remember any of it?" he asked softly. I shook my head in no. "A man broke into my house, looking to rob it and saw you in my room and shot you!" When he said this, his worried eyes filled with tears. I was in shock. How could I be alive?! "I...was...shot head?" I choked out. He just looked at me and I knew his answer was yes. "Harry? Tell me." I demanded when he didn’t answer me. "I will let the doctor explain everything." He answers and the door of the hospital room swung open. "You’re awake! Alive!" someone yelled in excitement. I didn’t recognize the voice. In came a crowd of people, I suppose doctors and nurse. They all immediately can to my bed side and pushed Harry back and began asking me random questions. "How do you feel?", "Do you know your name or birthday?", and the most random was, “Who was your first boyfriend?" that made Harry straighten his back in the seat he was in. I found out exactly what happened after my black out. A man, a later learned his name was Joseph Peg, came into Harry's house not knowing anyone was in it, armed and was surprised when I made a sound in the room I was in and shot at where I was and shot my left ear and nearly blow it off. I went into shock and blacked out. The man ran out of the house not stealing anything, thinking he killed me, and Harry got back to his house about ten minutes later, expecting to surprise me but found me in his room bleeding. I lost a lot blood. Luckily I was not deaf. But that gave me another way of looking of Harry. He saved my life and was a hero. He must really love me. 

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