(2) Where Am I?

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Mason has a fever dream about approaching a building. He then wakes up in a cold, dull, teal-ish looking, quiet hallway. He leans up against the cold wall as he tries to recall something. He becomes very stressed and cannot remember anything. "Huh? What is this? Where am I? Why can't I remember anything!?" He quietly questioned. He looks around his surroundings and sees the corridors with a staircase next to one of them, he slowly tries to get up but his legs hurt like hell so he crawls instead.

Someone approaches him and extends an arm, Mason looks up and sees a tall, human body dressed in all black with a dull-orange, carved pumpkin as a replacement for the head, it does has glowing white dots for eyes. The pumpkin-creature's appearance startles Mason, causing him to scream and quickly back away, Mason grabs a disinfection spray from his pocket as a little piece of paper falls out. He points the spray bottle directly at the pumpkin-creature to threaten them. The pumpkin-creature quickly puts down his extended arm "W-Woah there buddy!" Cried the pumpkin-creature "I wont harm you! I promise!". Mason froze for a second, the pumpkin-creature extends an arm once again, Mason puts down the spray bottle and takes the creature's arm to pull himself up. "Are you okay?" Asked the creature.

"Yeah, I guess.." Mason sighed in relief. "What's that piece of paper doing on the ground? Jackson needs his mansion to stay clean." Said the creature. Mason turns around, bent down to pick up the peice of paper, and looked at it.

(Aadiv is the one wearing glasses, Mason is on the right side)

Mason flips the paper around and sees handwriting, it says: "Masonare Mugetti, happy ten year friendship anniversary, I love you so much and I will always be there for you :)-Signed by Aadiv Maxwell

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Mason flips the paper around and sees handwriting, it says: "Masonare Mugetti, happy ten year friendship anniversary, I love you so much and I will always be there for you :)
-Signed by Aadiv Maxwell.
-August 8th, 2011"

Mason stares at the picture. "What? I have a friend of ten years? But why can't I recall the things we did together..?" He put the picture back into his pocket and made eye contact with the pumpkin creature. "Hey pumpkin creature, could you please fill me in? I'm so confused." Inquired Mason. The creature nodded and spoke up "We are currently inside of Jacksons Mansion, it is located in the ghost world, only ghosts may enter.".

Mason started panicking "What!? How did I die!? And who is Jackson??". "Hey calm down please!! Jackson is the owner of this mansion.. He is planning something that I really want to tell you about right now, but I'm not allowed to until it's the right time to do so." Stammered the pumpkin-creature. Mason stood in silence and randomly asked the pumpkin creature for their name, the pumpkin creature replied and told him that his name is Simone Pump, he added that he eats his own species. Mason introduced himself and pleaded Simone to please call him Mason instead of Masonare. Mason stated that he likes science fiction movies and dinosaurs.


Mason goes upstairs and wanders around the mansion, looking for Jackson as he tries to recall who Aadiv was. Suddenly, someone accidentally runs into him while doing a dangerous stunt. The person had spiky-black messy hair with fair skin, freckles, fangs, & 2 bandages on his face. He also wore a white school uniform with short sleeves, bandages, and a hot-pink tie. Lastly, he wore dull blue jeans along with dirty white shoes. "Hey! Watch it!" Mason shouted.

Person: "Well maybe if you'd move out the way, MAYBE I wouldn't have never hit you!"
Mason: "Ugh!! You're a clump of viruses!"

The person's mood anonymously swings.

Person: "Woahh chill out bro! Your arm is injured, let me take you to the nurse and I'll get you all fixed up!"
Mason: "Huh!?"

The person goes through the hallways and leads Mason to the nurses office. He comes into the office followed by Mason. A girl appears in there. The girl has 2 buns with bows on it and long black curly hair, she also wears glasses and has smooth dark skin. She wears a collard short-sleeved white shirt with a collar and a long pink plaid pattern tank top over it. Lastly, she wears skeleton leg stockings and a pair of fresh white shoes.
Girl: "Hey Charlie— woah what happened to him? Is he okay?"
The person (Charlie): "Not really, I accidentally fell on him while doing one of my favorite dangerous stunts."
Girl: "Geez Charlie, you really need to watch where your going!! This is the 3rd time this has happened."
Charlie: "Don't worry! I'll fix him up, then it wont happen again!"

Charlie begins fixing up Mason's injury and introduces himself "Heyy, the names Charlie Rhen Jones! My ancestors are vampires! How about you?" "Umm.. Have you noticed that you're mood changed—" before Mason could finish, Charlie froze, snapped and interrupted him "Shut the fuck up.". Silence grew (or flew) across the room until the girl spoke up "Charlie... Don't be so harsh, just— just finish up while I introduce myself since I haven't met this guy before." She said in a serious tone. Charlie then continues to fix Mason's arm injury.

Girl: "Hi! My name Is Jamila McKelly,
l am very good at baking muffins and l'm a Fruitarian! I only eat fruit."
Mason: "I'm Masonare Mugetti, please call me Mason."
Charlie: "That'll do. You're all good, Mason. I also deeply apologize for my rapid mood-swings... I somewhat can't control it."
Mason: "It's fine, thanks for fixing my injury though!"
Charlie: "Anytime."

Mason waves goodbye and leaves the nurses office. He wanders in the hallway and continues to look for Jackson as he still tries to remember who Aadiv was. Mason looks back at the 10-year-friendship-anniversary photo and quickly recognizes Aadiv's face, he then completely forgets about Jackson and starts searching for Aadiv. Mason runs in the hallways and finds himself in a science laboratory, he observes the place and came across another person. The person has a purple beanie with medium length brown hair and peach skin, she also wears a teal medium sleeved shirt along with black pants and a pair of converse.

Mason approaches her and asks if she had seen his best friend Aadiv "Sorry but no! But you can check out my website and get tons of robux for free! All you have to do is click the link in my bio!" Mason denied but she continued "I am iTina Martinez! I am your local free robux gifter!" She implored. Mason denied again and dashed into another room in the lab just to be abruptly startled by a pie face prank. "Teehee! Gotcha!" Chuckled a random boy. (Idk where to mention this so the random boy wears a collared white t shirt with faded stripes and short/medium length sleeves, he also has brown hair and tan skin along with a warm yellow kitty headband. Lastly, he wears black pants with beige shorts over them and a pair of red shoes). Mason wipes the pie off of his face using a napkin from his pocket and silently gazed at the random boy "Hey whatcha lookin' at bucko!" He light-heartedly jokingly asked.

Mason: "That was so uncalled for, that pie could've had harmful bugs in it."
Random boy: "Harmful bugs!? Are you paranoid or something?"
Mason: "Um, no..? But have you seen a man my age named Aadiv Maxwell?"
Random boy: "Hm.. Nope, Not my problem though!"
Mason: "But what if he's trapped somewhere.. Like a dungeon..?"
Random boy: "A dungeon? You're so silly man!! What's your name? I'm Vinny Gradugel Lewis, I enjoy meeting new people as well as pulling hilarious pranks!!"

Mason introduces himself to Vinny, afterwards, he continues.
Vinny: "So you're looking for someone named.. Uhh I forgot their name.."
Mason: "Aadiv."
Vinny: "Oh right, Aadiv!-..... Wait, do you hear that noise?"
A sound of someone crying comes from a distance.
Mason: "....We should go help them."

Mason goes towards the noise but Vinny stops him, signaling that it might be a trap..

1360 words

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