(10) Fortune

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"Are we still in the mansion?" Reza asked "No, we're in the ghost world." Mason replied.

After a couple of days spent in the ghost world, Reza had that creature's appearance stuck in his head and tried warning other ghost-beings about it but presumably, nobody believed him. He then came across a little tent and went inside; There was a table with two short chairs across from each-other with 1 ghost-being sitting on one of them with a crystal ball on the table in-front of them. The ghost-being appeared to be a fortune teller that hid their identity.

He sat down on the empty chair and looked at the ghost-being, waiting for a response. "Hello fellow customer, welcome to the place where I will tell the future. What would you like for me to predict?" They welcomed him. He explained about the creature and his experience in the mansion. The fortune-teller then put their hands on the crystal ball and started humming.

After about 30 seconds, the fortune-teller stopped humming and put their hands down. "It's really difficult to see what the creature is currently doing right now... but it looks like it's soaring over the ocean." They said. Reza gave them a ghost-tip, thanked them, and left.

He came back to where the others were and told Rose about what the fortune-teller said. "If I recall correctly, the creature was only designed to possess ghost-beings, what is it doing in the Living Zone.." Rose replied.

" Rose replied

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(259 words)

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