(5) Traumatized

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Jackson speed walks to the next game, followed by the participants. On the way there, a young man named Ash Sangeeta, asked a question. "I have a question, sir." "What is it my fellow ghost?" Answered Jackson. "Why are we playing these games?" He asked. "Oh why thank you so much for asking this! I forgot to mention that you guys are playing these games to win the ticket to be alive again! Only 2 players may win!" saying that, the participants behind him started whispering.

A couple of minutes later, they arrived to the next game, which is located inside of an empty black room with a modern white light located at the middle top ceiling of the room. Jackson forces the participants to wear a strange neck collar and orders them to form into a circle where the light was beaming from. "Welcome to the second game! It's called Toss The Bomb! A hot bomb will be placed on a player's hand, they must quickly toss it to one another before the bomb activates the neck collar." He explained.

Everyone stood up and a bomb appeared in a player's hand, the players started tossing around the bomb to one-another for a while until the bomb finally activated a player's neck collar. The player appeared to be Charlie Rhen Jones. The participants stopped tossing the bomb as he collapsed to the floor and started screaming, the neck collar was forcing blades into his neck, causing him to bleed. Mason's roommate, who appear to be Austin Rhen Jones, went towards Charlie's direction, got on his knees, and tried to pull the neck collar off while Kim-Ly gazed in shock. Austin stopped pulling the neck collar then started screaming at the top of his lungs as Charlie struggled to breathe, blood started gushing out of his mouth "OF ALL PEOPLE IT HAD TO BE MY BROTHER! NO! PLEASE! JACKSON YOU SON OF A BITCH, STOP THIS RIGHT NOW!"

"I'm afraid I can't! The game isn't over yet." Jackson joyfully replied, Austin's eyes were filled with tears and anger, so was Charlie (excluding anger), & Kim-Ly. He stopped moving & his brother let out a painful screech.

The participants held in their tears as Simone & Jack-O-Freak came in to collect Charlie's ghost-corpse, Austin ran out the room into the same direction as the pumpkin creatures, followed by Jackson. The participants reluctantly continued the game for a while. A certain participant, named Jordyn Sulvaney, spoke up for the first time "I don't want to play this anymore, I just want to peacefully live in the ghost world." "I totally agree with that, this is too much.." Mason replied.

~MeanWhile with the pumpkin creatures, Austin, & Jackson~

The 2 pumpkin creatures carried Charlie's ghost-corpse outside the Mansion, the security guards opened the double doors, Austin tries to go after them but Jackson stops him with his hand. Outside the Mansion was just fog everywhere, no sign of floors, nor the sky.

Austin was shaking and sobbing.

His pink bow mysteriously untied by itself & fell onto the floor. "Listen to me, Austin." He said in a surprisingly calm voice. "Everything's going to be fine, Charlie's in a better place now, I hope.." Austin grew silent & noticed that Jackson mysteriously shrunk in height, and suddenly grew angel wings with a halo. Roses fell from the ceiling as he gazed into his eyes. "Charlie is okay, trust me, please." Austin was very confused. Moments later, the mansion slowly started to collapse, little by little. Jackson quickly bent down to pick up his pink bow and tie it back onto his collared shirt, in a blink of an eye, he was back to his evil self again.

Austin: "Huh..?"
Jackson: "C'mon, Let's go."

Austin reluctantly followed Jackson back to where the game was taking place and saw that another one of the participants, named Kai V'nel, was eliminated. Their soulless corpse mysteriously stood up straight, blood was also dripping from their gas mask.

The rest of the participants convinced Jackson to end the game they were playing, he reluctantly did

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The rest of the participants convinced Jackson to end the game they were playing, he reluctantly did. The pumpkin creatures then came to collect Kai's body as everyone else lined up by the door so Jackson could take off the neck collars, soon after, every participant left the room, traumatized.


Mason was heading to his dorm room, thinking about Aadiv until someone stopped him "Hey, uhhh.. Can we uhhhh.. talk? For um- just a moment? No one else wants to speak to me.." Adoriana stammered. "Sure."

The two started talking in the middle of the hallway near his dorm room.

Adoriana: "I'm really like extremely nervous right now, I don't know what the next game is and I don't know if I'm gonna make it out of here.. I don't know If I'm ever going to find Adam.."
Mason: "Don't worry, you aren't alone, I am more nervous than you are.."

They continued their little conversation until they realized that they are probably the only ones awake right now. They wished each-other good night and went to their dorm rooms, but that same night, Mason couldn't sleep; he kept overthinking about the games, eliminated participants, & Aadiv. "What if Aadiv isn't actually here? What if I came here for nothing? What if I'll never find him.."

A couple of minutes passed and Mason felt very hungry, he tried to sleep it off but his stomach kept bothering him, so he decided to find something to feast on. He got up from bed and quietly left the dorm room; He snuck through the dark hallways to the nearest kitchen, the only light source was coming from a microwave. He goes to the fridge and grabs the handle only to be startled by touching another hand, Mason almost screamed until the person opened the fridge to reveal themselves as another participant, he sighed in relief. "I'm guessing you're hungry and cannot sleep?" He quietly guessed. "Correct." Jordyn whispered. They both went through the fridge and got some string cheese, they then wished each-other goodnight and quietly crept back to their dorm rooms.

(1023 words)

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