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Shameless self promo haha follow my Twitter @ohsnapitskitty :)

Growing up around money has been the only thing Harry Styles knew about. He knew nothing of the simple life what it meant to be independent, to do things himself. He always had someone hooked around his little finger ready to obey his every command. As with money comes significant power and due to his father's growing empire Harry's family had everything one could ask for. Harry was that guy all other guys envied, he was that guy all the girls wanted to be with. Getting women was never a problem for Harry, he'd have girls fighting over who had him every other day, boys falling to his feet begging to be his friend not because of his personality but rather who he had become, what his father had made him ; a rich man and the upside of all this was he never had to work for any of this himself, it was simply handed to him, on a gold platter. Guess some people have all the luck.

Steven Styles had built one of England's leading technology firms which took him a total of sixteen rough years to reach to the top. His new advances for a better life using robotics had made him one of England's highest paid businessman. Steven worked hard every single day of his life and although he put everything he had into his work, he wished he had more time for his family.

When his wife left him three years back due to the same problem he was devastated but business had never been better in those years and he simply couldn't ruin the chances of letting success slip through his fingers. When news broke of his wife's sudden death Steven was devastated, she left behind a young seventeen year old Harry back then to be taken care of by his father. She was not angry at the man, she knew Steven loved his son more than anything and if she knew better Harry would have a much better life with his father rather than staying with her. Truth be told three years after her son is surely the main topic in many magazine covers and is rated one of businesses leading bachelor of the year.

As much as Harry wanted things to work for his parents he gave up that dream at the first year of the divorce, resenting his mother for leaving him all alone. He stayed mad at his mother and although Steven made several attempts on having the lost time between father/son Harry wasn't having it. He was mad at the world, spoil brat is what he is. They both live in the same house yet neither makes the attempt to be concerned about the other. Harry never wanted to have anything to do with his father, only on those occasions when he needed money for his bank account then a conversation would arise but other than that not even a hello.

Steven didn't mind, any time with his son was valuable to him and he just didn't want to risk losing him too, now that Harry is old enough to live on his own. He'd give the boy what he needed so as long as he stays here. Steven wasn't getting any younger and he knew one day Harry had to take over his company but he just didn't care for working just reaping the awards.

The boy stumbles in almost everyday after midnight drunk as hell and having one of his many servants clean numerous amounts of vile vomit from the marble floors. Although Steven was worried he didn't say a word, he knew it would upset his son so he just let him be.

Just another night of Harry's drunken tirade, all the servants have grown accustomed to Harry's weird behavior when he's drunk. Crashing vases and every object within reach to the floor, crying and cursing loudly about random topics like " this vase doesn't go with the drapes" or "this lamp is ugly" and most recently "this TV set is too small get another one" the television in the living room was never used, Harry was never in there anyways but even though the servants noticed they knew better than to say anything to the boy.

"Sir can I get you anything else?" The chubby little man dressed in his uniform attire bewilderingly shrieks to the drunk boy stumbling up the steps to his room.
"No Alfred just leave me the fuck alone!" His voice is slurred and harsh. Alfred is used to being called all sorts of nicknames from the boy, have the much younger man speak with total distaste to him but he just nods and vanishes into the kitchen to continue his work.

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