chapter 3

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AR designs:

Akash was busying in various meetings that he forgot about the appointment for pari's vaccination. He was talking to Aman his PA when his phone buzzed and he picked the call seeing it was from chote

Akash: yes chote bol.

Arnav: bhai did you check the time. It's 12.50 and pari's appointment is at 1.30. When will you bring her. Khushi is waiting to meet her.

Akash: sorry chote, I forgot and had back to back meetings and now am going for another meeting. You go home and take Pari with you.

Arnav: but bhai, what will I tell her if she asks you, you know you should be there for her vaccination na. You never come for any of her vaccination and today we will meet her new pediatrician also.

Akash: am sorry chote but you have to take her I can't come. You tell her kuki will be there with her.

Arnav: ok bhai and cuts the call.

Akash closes his eyes and sighs. He actually forgot about the appointment but he didnt have any meetings now. Its just he didn't want to go to that hospital. How can he tell his chote that he is not that strong enough to come to the same hospital where he lost the love of his life. He seems strong and arrogant from outside but inside he is broken.

I know bhai, you don't have any meetings now and I also know you are hesitant to come to this hospital but atleast for Pari you could have come, thought Arnav sadly and went to home to get Pari for her vaccination.

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