chapter 28

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Hello all... thank you for the support you are giving to this book. 10.9k reads... thank you once again and I hope you all will support this book till end.. sorry for the late update..

Another update..  enjoy reading

It's been two days after that incident and Payal is still giving a cold shoulder to Akash. Today is Tara's 3rd birthday and all are getting ready to celebrate. It is a small function with only family members and Aman who considers Akash as his own brother. Also some of Khushi and Arnav's friends as they planned to announce about Khushi's pregnancy as well. All were waiting for our princess and just then Payal came with Tara in her hand. Both were wearing matching dress and both looked beautiful together. Akash's jaw dropped to ground seeing the beautiful lady in front of him. His intense stare was making Payal uncomfortable.

Arnav: nudging Akash,  bhai stop staring at di, you are making her uncomfortable.

Payal passed a smile thanking him, and looked at Akash who was still staring at her. Just then Khushi came and asked,

Khushi: bhai and Arnav did anyone of you saw my chocolate that I had kept in the fridge.

This brought Akash from his LA LA land and looked at Khushi wide eyed. He had actually eaten that chocolate thinking it was extra but didn't knew it was Khushi's.  Seeing his face Khushi understood that Akash had eaten it and started to chase him.

Khushi: how dare you bhai, how could you do this to me. I want my chocolate, she suddenly started crying.

Seeing this Akash and Arnav looked and each other and went to pacify her while Payal just shook her head and muttered pregnancy hormones.

Akash: Khushi I am sooo sorry, I didn't knew it was for you. In the night I got hungry and was searching in the fridge and saw it laying there so....

Our cute Pari was watching all this drama. Payal said something in her ears and put her down. She went to Khushi and said.

Pari: kuki....kuki..stop crying. I will ask chachu to buy lots of choco for you..

All looked at her with love.

Arnav: yes, Khushi I will buy lots of chocolates for you. Come it's time to cut the cake.

The celebration was finally over. All had fun especially our Pari. Akash was searching for someone when Pari came near him and said.

Pari: papa...papa.. Pari ma is looking for you. She is in the ter....ter..., oh I forgot..

Akash looked at her and thought what is that place which has ter in it, then he understood that it was terrace. Our poor Pari, she was not able say it.

Akash: come then my angel, let's see what your Pari ma wants..

Pari: I am not your angel papa... I am Pari ma's angel. You go alone am going out with chachu and kuki for ice cream.

Saying this she ran to Arnav who was waiting near the door with a smirk on his face. Akash looked at him and went towards the terrace and didn't see the exchange made by Arnav and Tara..... Akash went to terrace in search of Payal and was shocked to see the terrace beautifully decorated and had tears in his eyes.

Payal: Akash ji...... I know I made you wait a long time, but are you ready...

Akash turned his head to see Payal dressed beautifully in an ocean blue saree and she was looking breathtaking. He turned again towards the writing that was hanging on the wall. On the wall, there was a hanging saying..."WILL YOU MARRY ME AKASH JI". He again looked at Payal.

Akash: yes Payal, you made me wait a long time but am ready for anything that is with you. And it's a yes from me for that writing....

He went and hugged Payal with tears in his eyes. Both hugged each other with tears in their eyes..

Akash: I love you Payal.

Payal: I love you too Akash ji..

Akash: I think you should drop the ji from my name, what do you say...saying this he looked at Payal who was blushing.

Arnav: thank god finally this happened now we can prepare for the wedding right Khushi...

Both Akash and Payal looked toward the door to see everyone standing there with a smile on their faces. Khushi went and hugged Payal and all started to tease the couple.

Happy reading

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