chapter 22

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Hi first of all sorry for the late update. I  am busy with lots of things that I am not getting time to write.

Ok now let's continue.....

Payal/Arnav: Akash ji/bhai.....

Both were shocked to see the sight in front of them. Akash was laying in a pool of blood. Arnav rushed to him,

Arnav: bhai, please open your eyes. Please don't leave me bhai. Aman called for an ambulance and they took him to hospital. All the while Payal was speechless. She was not able to understand what had happened.

Akash was taken into OT. It's been three hours. Arnav had informed Khushi, mama and mami. All were in the hospital along with Tara.

Just then doctor came from OT. All ran towards him.

Arnav: doctor how is my bhai, is he fine.

Doctor: Arnav, since you are a doctor yourself, I am not hiding anything from you all, the next 24 hours are very crucial.

Khushi: what do you mean by that doctor, is bhai fine.

Doctor: we have removed the bullet from him. It was luck that it was on his right shoulder, but he has lost a lot of blood and is unconscious, if he didn't get up in the next 24 hours then he may slip into coma.

All were shocked to hear this. Payal was numb.

Arnav: can we see him doctor.

Doctor: sure, in another 15mins we will shift him to private room, you can visit him but make sure no one disturbs him much.

Arnav: thank you so much doctor.

Doctor: Dr. Payal can I have a word with you privately in my room.

All looked at Payal. She just nodded and went with the doctor to his room. At doctor's cabin.

Doctor: Payal you will be wondering why I called you here. Actually during operation he was calling your name, in that state. So I thought if you could speak to him, then may be he will wake up fast. I don't want to pressurize you by telling this in front of the family. You think about it.

Payal just nodded her head and got up from her place. Just then the doctor said something that brought tears to her eyes.

Doctor: Payal one more thing. Mr ASR loves you so much, don't give up on him. This I am telling you as your friend and wellwisher.

Sorry for the small chapter. Hello all next update

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