chapter 16

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Hi all, sorry for the late update. Here is another chapter. Hope you all like it. Please like and comment

It was night, all were tired and they retired to their rooms. One person was not sleeping and she was sitting quietly in the garden looking at the stars and moon. Just then mami came and sat beside her.

Mami: Payal betiya, what are you thinking and don't you want to sleep. Tomorrow is a long day for everyone. Go and get some sleep.

Payal: am not getting any sleep mami ji. I was wondering who will do my Khushi's kanyadan. Our parents are not there so thinking about it I am not able to sleep.

Mami just looked at her, she always wanted a daughter, but God was against her maybe, that she didn't have her own children but he gave two sons in the form of Akash and Arnav. She sighed,

Mami: Payal I always wanted children and that to daughter, but I can't have any. I was sad, depressed but God gave me two sons in the form of Akash and Arnav. And I think God accepted my wish for daughters also.

Payal looked at mami with tears in her eyes, she understood what mami was trying to say.

Payal: mami ji are you sure, will you do my Khushi's kanyadan. Will mama ji agree to it, will Akash ji and chote agree to it.

Just then she heard three voices

We all agree to what mami is saying Payal. She looked and saw mama ji, Akash and Arnav standing there with smiles on their faces

Mama: so Payal betiya, it is decided me and your mami will do Khushi betiya's kanyadan.

Payal hugged mama and mami. Akash was happy seeing this and was lost in her thoughts when Arnav bumped him with his shoulders and smirked at him. Akash just glared at his brother.

Mama: Akash and chote, so tomorrow you both come with the barat, me and mami will receive you from Khushi's side.

Both Arnav and Akash nodded their head and Payal was happy that atleast her sister will have a dream wedding. She felt gratefull to this family. She was confident that this family will take care of her sister.

Akash: ok everyone it is getting late, we all should go and sleep.

All nodded their head and started to go inside when Payal called Akash and he turned to her,

Payal: Akash ji, thank you so much for everything. I am grateful to all of you.

Akash just smiled at her and went from there. It was becoming difficult for him to stay with her. He wanted to say how he feels towards her, he wanted to shout at her saying he loves her but he controlled thinking she may not accept him. He thought it was better to be friends with her than telling his love. Same was the case with Payal, she wanted to say that she loves him very much but her condition and her fear that he may not accept her held her back. If only she knew how much she means to him.

Next day it's wedding all were busy in preparation. Khushi was dressed in a beautiful Ed lehanga and was looking like an angel. Payal came there and saw her baby sister looking so beautiful. She went to her and said,

Payal: Khushi, you look like an angel today I am sure chote will be dumbstruck to see this beauty. She teased.

Khushi just blushed at her. Just then mami came and saw Khushi and Payal.

Mami: Khushi betiya you look gorgeous, betiya me and mama will do your kanyadan and you made our wish come true. You both are like daughters to me. I wish you get all the happiness in this world.

Hearing this both Khushi and Payal had tears in their eyes. Khushi till now didn't feel that she don't have parents, she always had her jiji with her. But when she heard mami, she for the first time wished her parents were alive then they would be so happy to see her in this attire.

Payal: Khushi, I know you are thinking about our parents, but remember they will be always with us. This is not the time to get sad. Come your Arnav is waiting for you let's not make him wait anymore.

Payal took Khushi to the mandap where Arnav was waiting for her. Khushi was dumbstruck to see Arnav wearing a maroon colour sherwani and looking dashing. Arnav saw Khushi looking at him with open mouth and he gave a smirk. She just blushed and went and sat with him in the mandap. The rituals started and it was time for kanyadan. Mama and Mami came forward for the same. After that Arnav tied mangalsutra around her neck and put vermilion. She looked at Payal who had tears in her eyes. Payal was happy and content that her baby sister has someone to look after her.  All the while she missed to see a pair of eyes that was looking at her lovingly.

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