chapter 15

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Days passed Arnav and Khushi's marriage date is nearing and all are busy with shopping and other jobs. In these days Akash and Payal's friendship also increased and it was becoming difficult for Akash to hide his growing feelings from Payal. He understood that he has fallen in love with her but he wanted to give enough time for her. On the otherside, the relation between Payal and Pari also have reached to a point where Pari started calling her, Pari ma. ( remember Pari calls Payal as pari) Payal knew she had fallen in love with Akash but she don't want to accept it.

Arnav and Khushi were in their own world. Today is the mehandi ceremony and Khushi is sitting applying mehandi in her hands. She is sitting there for past 2 hours and she is tired and hungry. She looked for her sister so that she can have something but saw that even her sister was applying mehandi on her hands. Just then she saw Arnav coming towards her with food.

Arnav: to Payal, come di let me feed you I know you will be hungry, he said making Khushi glare at him.

Payal saw this exchange and understood that he has brought food for Khushi but was teasing her, she smiled at said

Payal: Mr. Arnav Singh Raizada, I know you got this food for your Khushi, so feed her only, I will have my food after washing this mehandi.

Both Arnav and Khushi blushed, just then they heard someone speak, all saw Akash with a plate of food coming near to Payal.

Akash: Payal, why wait till then, here I got food for you.

Payal was shocked, Arnav just smirked at his brother. Khushi was happy.

Payal: no need Akash ji, I am not hungry I will have later, she protested.

Akash: Payal, I thought we are friends. I am helping my friend. If you consider as my friend then have your food.

Payal smiled at Akash and nodded. Mama,mami and Arnav were happy to see this side of Akash after two years. Khushi was crying and seeing this Arnav got scared,

Arnav: Khushi, what happened why are you crying.

Khushi: Arnav today is the best day of my life. I saw someone who can take care of my jiji just like Rahul jiju. I know Akash bhai will help her to forget jiju and fill her life with love. I will be happy if they both get together.

Arnav: yes Khushi, even I will be happy to get di as my bhabi. But it is not as easy as you think.

Khushi: what do you mean? If bhai is able to make her forget Rahul jiju then she will start falling for him. Then they will be together. I know bhai loves jiji but why he is not making any move.

If only you knew Khushi. Your jiji is already in love with bhai, but her health condition is stopping her. Thought Arnav sadly.

Khushi was oblivious of the situation and was thinking of ways to make her jiji fall in love with her bhai.

Next day was Haldi. All bathed Arnav and Khushi in turmeric water and both were running from Akash who was holding a bucket full of turmeric water and was aiming it towards them. Arnav ran and stood behind Payal and Khushi stood behind Arnav. Payal was wondering why these two stood behind her when she was drenched with turmeric water. She looked at the person who did this to her and glared. Akash was trying to control his laughter when he saw Payal in that state. All saw a different Akash when he was running away from Payal who was chasing him. Mama and Mami had tears in their eyes after seeing this naughty Akash. Tara was laughing at her papa being chased by her Pari ma.

Another update

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