chapter 27

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Payal and Khushi were busy with Pari's birthday party. As promised Akash took one week leave from office and was helping the ladies with the arrangements and also spending time with his daughter.  Tara was the most excited one as she had the attention of Akash. Seeing her happiness Akash thanked Payal in his mind for this condition as he was also able to spend more time with her. Mama and Mami pampered Khushi a lot. As for Arnav he was behind Khushi for every single thing making sure that she took enough rest and had her food on time. All in all the whole family was in celebration mood. But in all these we can see pain in Payal's eyes. Even though she accepted Akash and Pari, somewhere in her heart she felt she was not fit to be in this family. Her each and every movement was noticed by Arnav and he understood her more than anyone else. Arnav decided to talk to Payal.

Arnav: di, can you please make me your special tea and bring it to bhai's study. I wanted to discuss to you about something.

Payal looked at Arnav and nodded her head. At Akash's study, Arnav was looking at Payal with a frown and asked,

Arnav: di, can you tell me why you are so sad. Don't lie to me, I can see it in your eyes.

Payal: chote...woh..... I am happy for you all and happy that I am capable of loving a man like Akash ji, but somewhere I feel my life is incomplete as I can't give birth.

Suddenly they heard someone sobbing and looked towards the door to see Khushi and Akash standing near the door with Khushi covering her mouth and sobbing.

Khushi: jiji, why...why didn't you tell me about this. I know I am responsible for this, just like how I killed Rahul jiju, I am responsible for your condition.

Akash: shut up Khushi, remember you are not responsible for any of that. IT WAS AN ACCIDENT, did you get me, he shouted at her making Khushi cry and Payal angry at Akash 😡.

Payal: Khushi please stop crying and don't listen to anyone. Someone doesn't know how to behave with a pregnant lady. She looked at Akash accusing.

Akash: but.. but.. Payal I was trying to make her understand that it was not her fault that accident happened. It was Shyam's fault and she should understand that. How many more years she will feel guilty. Now she has another reason too to add to her guilt.

Payal: Akash ji, there was no need to shout like that. You could have told her softly and I knew she will feel guilty that is why I didn't tell her. But now she knew so we have to make her understand it softly and not shout.

Akash looked at Arnav helplessly who had a smirk on his face and was enjoying the little fight between his bhai and di.

Payal: come Khushi we will go and finish our arrangements for the celebration only two more days are there and I know you are feeling guilty about everything but you shouldn't worry about all that. You should be happy at this time. Also I have all of you with me.

Khushi just nodded her head and left from there with Payal, who gave a glare to Akash and went. Arnav started to laugh looking at Akash who threw a cushion at him.

Arnav: that was something bhai, but on a serious note, I am happy for you bhai, atlast di was ready to accept this relationship.

Akash: I know chote, hope she doesn't run away this time after my behavior towards Khushi. I think I shouldn't have shouted at her.

Arnav chuckled and shook his head. Both of them went towards the living room and saw a happy Khushi and an angry Payal looking at them. Akash gulped and he understood that Payal was still angry at him.

I hope you all liked the cute fight between Payal and Akash. 😜

Another update

Happy reading

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