chapter 14

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Arnav and Khushi were searching for Payal every where. They didn't find her. Khushi was crying continuously and blaming herself. Arnav was helpless, he didn't know what to do. Akash was driving looking here and there when he saw a garden. He stopped his car and thought of checking inside the garden. As he was walking he saw Payal sitting on a bench and staring blankly to the sky. Her eyes were puffed and tears were flowing. He went near her and sat down. Payal turned her head and saw Akash looking at her.

Akash: Payal, if you share your sorrow, your pain will decrease.

Payal just looked at him, so he continued,

Akash: I can see that you are in pain, but running away like this will make your loved ones worried. Do you know how worried all were especially Khushi. Here call her and inform her that you are fine. He said and gave his phone to her.

Payal didn't move or talk just looked at him. Akash felt like something broke inside him when he saw her. He sighed and called Khushi to inform her that he found Payal and she is safe. He also told her that he will drop her after she feels fine. All the while Payal was just staring at him.

Akash: what are you looking at Payal. Why are you crying, you can share your sorrow with me. You can consider me as your friend.

Payal: Akash ji, how did you find me and why are you here.

Akash: Arnav called and informed me that you are missing from hospital and you are not picking any calls. Khushi told me today is Rahul's death anniversary.

Payal looked at him when she heard Rahul's name. She wondered how Akash came to know of Rahul.

Akash: Khushi told me. He answered her un asked question.

Payal: me and Rahul met when I was doing my medicine. It was love at first sight.

She looked at Akash, he smiled at her to continue. Even though he knows about her past he wanted her to tell him and he thought today he will ask her about it.

Payal: four years of relationship and then we decided to get married. Rahul was an orphan so was me and Khushi. My parents died in a car accident when I was in 12th grade. I took care of my studies and Khushi. It was my father's dream to see us as doctors.

Akash looked at her with pride. This woman has gone through a lot still she takes care of Khushi and his chote as her own brother.

Akash: Payal if you are not ready then don't tell. I can understand.

Payal shook her head.

Payal: no Akash ji, today I am going to open my past to you. I wanted to feel light and if sharing my sorrow with you can reduce my pain then I have to do it.

Akash just smiled at her and signed her to continue

Payal: I was on cloud nine so was Khushi. Rahul was like an elder brother to her. Everything was going smoothly but my life took a complete turn, when we met with an accident. In that accident l lost my two precious things.

Akash looked at asking what they were.

Payal: I lost Rahul and..and.. I lost my ability to have children. I can't give birth Akash ji, I can't. She started to cry again.

Akash hugged her tightly and allowed her to cry. Payal cried on his shoulders and after sometime she composed herself,

Payal: today is Rahul's death anniversary and along with his death I remembered my helplessness, that is why I ran away from hospital. Khushi still doesn't know about my condition. No one knows except Arnav and now you. I don't want Khushi to know about my condition she will feel bad and guilty.

Akash looked at her,

Akash: why Khushi will feel guilty Payal.

Payal just looked here and there and didn't answer. Akash asked again. Payal sighed

Payal: we met with the accident when we were going to pick Khushi from her hostel. She was doing her first year medicine at that time. Still now she blames herself for Rahul's death and if she comes to know about me, then she won't live peacefully and I want my Khushi to get all the happiness in this world.

Akash looked at Payal proudly. He started to fall for her more. But he knew he should take things slowly.

Akash: ok Payal it's getting late. Let's go. Khushi and chote will be worried.

Payal: thank you Akash ji for being a friend to me and listening to me. You were right, talking about this pain made me feel light.

Akash just smiled at her and they both left from there to Gupta house. When they reached there Khushi ran and hugged Payal and started crying.

Khushi: I am so sorry jiji, I forgot about the date. If you hadn't come to pick me up that day, Rahul jiju would have been alive and you wouldn't be like this. I am sorry jiji.

Payal: no Khushi, what ever happened, was fate and I am not angry at you or anyone and it's been five years just stop blaming yourself. It's just that this day reminds me of Rahul so much. I am sorry that I went away like that without informing you.

Akash and Arnav looked at the two sisters. They felt happy seeing them together. Akash was proud of Payal.

Arnav: ok sisters, if your crying session is over can we have something, I am hungry and I didnt have anything in the afternoon because someone here decided to abscond.

Payal smiled sheepishly but Akash glared at his brother.

So Payal's secret is out. Now how will she react when she finds out about Akash's feelings towards her. Suggestions please

Another update

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