chapter 23

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Payal came out of the doctor's cabin and sat on the bench outside Akash's room. She was deep in her thoughts when Arnav came and sat beside her.

Arnav: di, I know what the doctor wanted to say to you and I won't force you to do anything.  But I know you also love bhai so much.

Payal looked at him with tearful eyes. Arnav was able to understand her without her telling him anything. She knew she loves Akash but her fear of his rejection is stopping her. Arnav knew this so he tried to make her understand.

Arnav: di, if you think bhai will stop loving you in future, then you are wrong. Remember that he loves you even after knowing about your condition and you have Pari, bhai will never stop loving you.

Payal: I know, Akash ji loves me a lot and may be for him Pari will be enough but in future Pari will ask for a sibling or worst mama or mami will feel that Akash ji married a girl who cannot give birth. I don't want him to feel regret after marrying me.

"we will be happy to have you as our elder daughter in law and our Pari's mother."

Arnav and Payal turned to see mami standing there with Tara in her hands. She was trying to go to Payal and Payal took her from mami.

Mami: Payal betiya, I heard what you said to chote. We will never feel sad or angry that you cannot give us grandkids, because even I was not able to give birth so how can I blame you dear. And I know my Akash loves you so much that he will never leave you.

Payal was crying continuously hearing these words. She never expected to find such a family where they all cared about her happiness and considered her as their own family. She was lost in her thoughts when the doctor came with a worried expression.  Seeing this Arnav and mami panicked.

Doctor: Arnav it's almost 24 hours now and Mr. ASR has not yet opened his eyes. If he didn't wake up in another 1 or 2 hours he can slip into coma.

All were shocked to hear this. Payal was looking at everyone and then with a determined face she gave Tara to Arnav and asked the doctor

Payal: doctor can I see Akash ji.

All looked at her. Doctor gave a knowing look to Payal and said,

Doctor: sure, I think it's better if you go alone and see him.

Payal nodded and went inside the room. There she saw Akash laying on the bed. She went near to him and sat on the chair and said

Payal: Akash ji, I think you have slept enough and I want you to get up. Tara is waiting for her papa, chote and Khushi are waiting for their bhai, mama and mami are waiting for their Akash and then....
She took his hands in hers and said softly. And... I am waiting for my love.. so please get up Akash ji.

She was crying silently holding Akash's hand when she felt his hand moving. She raised her head to see Akash opening his eyes slowly and looking at her. She got up from her seat and called doctor to check on him. The doctor came and checked Akash. All were present in the room. Tara was squealing happily seeing her father after two long days. The doctor confirmed that he is out of danger now and can be discharged after two days, but need complete rest. All were happy to hear this and they were trying to talk to Akash and were asking him about his health. But his eyes were fixed on one person who was standing at a corner and watching everything with a smile on her face.

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