chapter 13

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Hi, all sorry for the late update. I was busy with my son's birthday party and all. So, let's continue....

A new day has come. Akash gets up from his bed and does his morning chores and picks Pari and goes down with a smile.

Akash: good morning everybody, he says with a smile.

All are shocked and happy to see the old Akash back after two long years. Arnav looks at his brother with a smile.

Akash: chote after breakfast you come and meet me in the study I want to talk to you.

Arnav understood what his bhai wants to talk. So he nodded his head. After breakfast mama and mami took Pari to garden to play and Akash and Arnav went to his study to talk.

Arnav: bhai, why did you call me here. What do you want to talk.

Akash: chote, I know that you understood why I called you, but still I will tell you, I am ready to give myself a chance to love again.

Arnav: seriously bhai, you will do that he jumped happily and asked,

Akash: yes, chote after talking with you yesterday night, I thought about it and I feel I should give myself and Payal a chance. But I don't know if she will be ready and I don't want to pressure her also.  Akash voiced his thoughts

Arnav: am so happy bhai. It's true that di may not be ready but you have to try and I know she also feels something towards you but you have to patient as her past won't allow her to accept anyone that easily.

Akash: I know chote, that is why I have decided to take things slowly. And we have Pari. I think she will help us, Akash winked.

Arnav was happy that his bhai is becoming the old naughty and carefree Akash again. But he was afraid of Payal's reaction and he knows that she will make it difficult for his brother.

Arnav: ok bhai am leaving to hospital di will be waiting.

Akash: your di, or your Khushi chote, he teased.

Arnav just smiled and went from there.

Payal, I know you have suffered a lot. I will make sure that you are happy from now onwards, thought Akash and went to his office saying bye to Pari.

Arnav, reached hospital and went straight to Khushi and pecked on her cheeks when no one was looking. Khushi blushed and asked,

Khushi: Arnav why are you so happy today, anything special.

Arnav: yes Khushi, I am so happy today. I will tell you during lunch break.

They both started their work and were very busy. It was lunch time. Arnav and Khushi went to see Payal, but she was not in her cabin. Arnav called Payal but she was not responding. Khushi looked at the calender and saw the date. She cursed herself and started to cry. Seeing this Arnav asked,

Arnav: Khushi what happened why are you crying and do you know where is di.

Khushi just looked at Arnav and cried again.

Khushi: Arnav today is Rahul jiju's death anniversary. How can I forget that. Morning when I saw jiji, her eyes where red and puffy, I thought she didn't sleep well, but I never thought about the date. I am a bad sister Arnav. I don't know where di went, what will we do now.

Arnav: Khushi calm down dear. We will search for her I will call bhai as well.

Khushi just nodded and cried. She is feeling guilty because she forgot the date and she was not there for her jiji when she needed her. Arnav called Akash and informed him.

Akash: chote, don't worry i will also search for her and will let you know.

Hi all, so next update

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