chapter 12

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Days were passing and it was the day of Khushi and Arnav's engagement. Mama and Mami had asked Payal and Khushi to stay at RM and in these days the bond between Pari and Payal had increased. Akash was having a hard time to control his growing feelings towards Payal so he always kept himself busy.

Arnav and Khushi's engagement was over and Payal and Khushi were going back to Gupta house as they didn't want to burden mami more.

Arnav took Khushi to his room when no one was watching and smirked.

Arnav: soo... now you are officially my fiancee so I can kiss you right saying so he captured her lips for a passionate kiss.

Both broke their kiss when they needed oxygen and Khushi ran away from there with a blush. Arnav just smiled at her. Khushi ran and hugged Payal. Payal saw a blushing Khushi and teased her with her eyes. They bid bye to everyone and were leaving and Payal's eyes were searching for someone which was noticed by Arnav.

Khushi: namaste mama and mami ji, we will take our leave now. Arnav where is bhai, she asked.

Arnav: he is in his room Khushi with pari, I will inform him.

Khushi and Payal nodded their heads and left from there. Arnav was passing by Akash's room when he heard his bhai's crying. He was shocked. He ran to Akash and hugged him

Arnav: bhai, why are you crying, what happened.

Akash was in his own world crying and mumbling something to himself looking at Lavanya's photo.

Akash: am sorry, Lavanya I broke my promise. No no I shouldn't feel anything towards Payal. Am so sorry Lavanya. He was crying.

Arnav shook his bhai and called him again. Akash looked at him and said,

Akash: chote, I betrayed your bhabi chote, she will not forgive me.

Arnav: bhai, no bhai you didn't betray her infact you are making her happy by moving on. Remember when bhabi was in hospital, she asked you to move on in your life and give a good life to our Pari. I think Payal di is that person who can love Pari like her daughter and her love can make you also strong.

Akash just looked at his brother, so Arnav continued,

Arnav: I know bhai you started to have feelings for Payal di and I am happy. Please bhai give a chance to yourself and a deserved life to di.

Akash looked at his chote, and asked

Akash: chote what do you mean. How can I betray Lavanya and think about another woman.

Arnav: bhai please you are not betraying bhabi and by giving yourself a chance you are saving three lives from sorrow.

Akash: no chote, you are wrong if I give myself a chance then I will save only two lives, mine and pari's, but Payal her life will be spoiled and no woman would want a man who has a child chote, Akash said.

Arnav: you are wrong bhai, if you know about Payal di then you yourself will tell that you want only her. I know she also feels something towards you, but just like you her past is holding her back and I can guarantee that only your love can make her strong.

Akash just stared at him without understanding anything. Arnav sighed and told him about his di's secret that only he and di knows. Akash was shocked would be an understatement.

Arnav: it's getting late bhai,  think about what I said, I really wish you would give a chance to love again.

Akash just nodded his head. Arnav left from there. Akash laid in his bed thinking about what Arnav told and looked at Lavanya's photo. Lavanya am I  doing right, should I give myself and Payal a chance. He felt like Lavanya was smiling and nodding at him.

Am sorry di, I told about your past to bhai. I know you would be angry at me but I have to tell him so that he will not feel that he is spoiling your life by giving himself and you a chance, thought Arnav and laid in his bed to sleep.

Hi all, thank you for the wonderful support that you are showing for this story. So Akash also knows about Payal's past. Are you eager to know as well.

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