Chapter 6- ''Tu esi skaista''

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   I walked into my room and immediately crashed onto my bed. ''I'm so hungry!'' I couldn't even think properly. I was just laying there when I remember I had a sandwich left over from the airport. I quickly plopped out of my bed and rushed to my bag, I pulled out my soggy sandwich and ate it like it was a 5-star meal. When I was finished with it I went back to my bed and decided to rest for a while, I slipped out of my black jeans and got under the covers. I didn't even realize I had left the light on. After a few minutes, I dosed off......

      I woke up from a nightmare and looked at the clock: ''It is already 9 pm?? And I still didn't know the timetable.'' I quickly got out of my bed feeling a lot stronger after that sandwich, I put my pants on and rushed to Miss. Weems office, hoping she would be there. I was really sleepy, and even didn't care about knocking, I just went in without a doubt in my mind. 

   ''Y/n? What are you doing here? Miss Weems asked concerned. ''I'm sorry to bother you, but I want to tell you that you didn't give me my timetable or any information about the dining situation.'' I was trying to talk clearly and not look too sleepy.  Miss. Weems was sitting on the sofa, and quickly stood up and rushed to her table, looking for my timetable.  ''She is so fucking tall.''I was in shock and I think I even started to sweat a little and my sleepiness disappeared, ''And she is wearing the cutest pajamas in the whole wide universe, they accentuate her hips so much, God she looks so hot!!'' Principal Weems was wearing pink silk pajamas with long sleeves and pants from silk too. 

She rushed to me and gave me my timetable: ''I'm really sorry about that!'' She continues, ''Your classes start at 9 am and breakfast starts at 8 am, you can see how many classes you have each day, and there are also the times for dinner and lunch as well.'' She still was apologizing and not letting me talk, ''I am deeply sorry honey for not mentioning it, I guess due to the whole deal of you being late, It had completely slipped out of my mind.''  ''Did she just call me honey? Oh my god, she did!!!'' I was over the moon my whole body was melting but I was snapped back to reality by Miss. Weems saying something. 

   ''That means you missed the dinner, I was wondering why I didn't see you there. Have you eaten at least something today?'' She asked with a caring voice. ''Well....not really, like an hour ago ate a half-eaten soggy sandwich.'' I thought it was funny so I laughed under my breath. 

   Principal Weems rushed to the room with the double doors which were now unlocked, she disappeared and came out after a minute or so carrying a strawberry jam pastry on a plate. ''Take it, you need to eat something.'' She said. ''I'm sorry but I can't, I just......can't, I'm ok.'' I said quietly knowing that pastry was hers, I felt bad. ''TAKE IT!'' She said in a less sweet voice, but more demanding, ''You need it more than I do!'' She basically put the plate in my arms. ''Now, come sit you won't be eating standing up, not in my office!'' She gestured to the sofa where she was already sitting. 

   I slowly made my way to the sofa which was right in front of a massive fireplace, but Miss. Weems was still taller than it.  I softly sat on the sofa, I felt so like I couldn't move, I was frozen. ''She is so pretty, her smile is so cute!'' I was screaming inside my head. ''Do you need special approval, that you can eat the pastry?'' ''Ehh, what? No, no.'' I bit in the pastry, gosh it was the best thing I had eaten today, it was soo good.  ''Mmmm it is so good'', was the only thing that could come out of my mouth. ''I know, it is my favorite,'' Weems said. 

   I was getting a bit more comfortable, so I put my feet on the couch (I took the shoes off) and just scrunched my body my knees being pressed against my chest showing a little bit of my cleavage.  I was looking at the fire while finishing the pastry, and I noticed that Miss. Weems was staring at me nonstop. I even got butterflies. 

   ''Maybe I should ask her if she has anything that will help me clean my pants?'' I thought and decided to ask her. I put my plate on the ground and looked into her beautiful ocean blue eyes and asked:'' Ermm, do you...erm maybe have possibly......ahh something that would clean the blood off clothing?'' I was so embarrassed. But Weems wasn't embarrassed at all, she quickly got up and made her way back to the room with the double doors, when she came back she handed me a bar of soap:''Here, this is gonna work flawlessly, not to say anything but I get accident too, it is not a biggie.'' She said in such a sweet voice. ''Her voice truly sounds like an angel, I'm melting!!''

   I was getting up and ready to leave when she asked me a question: '' Could you please tell me where you are from, you have an accent that I have noticed?'' It seemed like she didn't want this conversation to end. ''Well....uh I am from Latvia, you probably don't know what country it is,'' I said nervously. ''Yes, you are right, I don't know about that country, but maybe you can tell me about it more?'' She looked at me with curiosity full eyes. ''Yea....ok!'' I said being glad that this conversation didn't end. 

I was telling her about our culture, our national foods, and even our traditions. After a while of speaking, I looked at my clock and realized I was already 11 pm: ''shoot I should get back to my dorm.'' I said tensely, right as I was getting up Miss. Weems asked: Hey, one more thing, could you please tell me something in your language?'' ''Oh yea, no problem!'' I replied. I started thinking about what should I tell her and I got it: ''Yes, I will tell her that, just as a hint.'' 

''Tu esi skaista,'' I said confidently but at the same time nervously. ''Oh, it sounds very beautiful, what does it mean?'' She asked smiling. Ermm, it means, you are pretty.'' I said acting as calmly as possible. ''Oh......well, that is very lovely.'' She smiled. ''God I am 100% blushing, oh god, did I make a mistake, just breathe, she blushing? I can't tell due to the light that was coming from the fireplace.''  

''Ok, I better get going!'' I said quickly and rushed out of her office and straight to my dorm. ''That was crazy, why did I say that I want her to get the hint but at the same time, she is my principal. So I don't want her to get the hint!'' 

I went to take a shower and then changed into my pajamas, I was wearing an oversized t-shirt and some grey shorts. I turned off all the lights crashed into my bed and fell asleep. 

Authors note:

The next chapter will be Larrisa's thoughts about what happened, ''yay''!!

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now