Chapter 28- Doctors Appointment

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   The next morning I woke up bright and early at 9 am. I had to leave at around 10:30 so I had plenty of time to get ready and for the next hour or so I just laid in my bed scrolling through social media. When I realized I actually needed to get ready I got out of my bed and started looking for what will I wear. I knew what pants I will wear, but I had no idea what shirt I would wear. In the end, I chose a cropped blue shirt, that I would layer with a flannel. The rest of the time I had left, I just goofed around texting my friend. 

   By the time it was 10:30, I grabbed my bag and left my dorm. I made my way down the stairs not in pain anymore which gave me hope to get back to studying on Monday. I exited the school and saw Miss. Weems was already in the car waiting for me. ''She reminds me of my granny.'' I giggled because my grandma would usually wait for me in the car when taking me to school, and If I was a minute late she would have a serious expression on. I made my way to her car. ''Good morning dear!'' She said as I hopped in the back seat. ''Hi.'' I shut the doors and placed my tote bag in my lap. ''How are you feeling?'' She asked turning the car on. ''Bit nervous, I don't like doctor appointments, but otherwise, I feel fine,'' I replied looking for my phone in my bag. ''There is nothing to worry about, everything will be fine!'' Weems said while not letting her eyes off the road. ''I hope so!'' I said. 

   The rest of the car ride was mostly silent because I had my headphones on and didn't talk. ''What are you listening to?'' Weems tried to start a conversation. ''Oh, just the best singer ever, Lady Gaga!'' I said proudly. ''Oh yea, I have heard some of her songs, pretty good.'' She kept her eyes on the road. ''Pretty good! Nah, they are great!'' I said. ''Whatever you say.'' Weems giggled. 

   A few minutes later we arrived in Jericho. I stepped out of the car, letting the chilly damp air hit me. ''I like fall!'' I said sniffing in the air. ''Why so?'' Weems asked locking the car and walking towards the building. ''Well  the colorful leaves and the last moment before everything gets covered in a thick layer of snow!'' I followed her into the building. I hung my jacket on the hanger and sat next to Miss. Weems, pulled out my book because I knew my name wouldn't be called for the next 30 minutes or so. ''Whatcha reading?'' Weems asked looking at my book. ''I am reading'' A Good Girls Guide To Murder'''' I replied showing her the cower of the book. ''That looks very interesting, what is it about.'' She asked still observing the book. ''About a girl who is slowing a murder,'' I replied and Weems looked at me funny. ''Okay, okay, I will let you read.'' She pulled out her phone and started checking it. 

   I looked at what she was doing, and she was on Facebook, scrolling through the cringe mom memes. ''Yikes Weems!'' I thought in my head and continued reading. More than half an hour later my name had been finally called. I stood up and the nurse asked Miss. Weems: ''Are you her mom?'' ''No, I am her principal,'' she said placing her phone in her lap. ''Well, are you responsible for her?'' The nurse asked. ''Yes, yes I am,'' Weems said. ''Then you need to come with her.'' The nurse walked away gesturing for us to follow. ''Why does a parent or someone need to be with me? That doesn't make any sense!'' I thought in my head but couldn't wrap my head around it.  We entered the room and I awkwardly stood next to the door while Miss. Weems introduced herself. 

   After the introduction, the doctor asked me the standard questions, like how I felt or if my scars hurt, that kind of stuff. ''Okay, can you take your shirt off and lay on the bed, please.'' The doctor pointed to the long table-like bed. I got nervous because Miss. Weems was literally in the same room as I was and it kinda felt awkward. ''Umm, okay.'' I kidly replied and started taking my shirt off. ''Oh my fucking god! This is so awkward, please someone kill me. Oh, and it is so cold in here.'' I thought to myself while I standing there now only in my jeans and pink bralette. I lay on the table not making any eye contact with Miss. Weems and then the doctor started looking at my stomach. ''It seems like your scars are healing perfectly!'' The doctor said while writing something down on a piece of paper. ''Can I put my shirt back on?'' I asked not sitting on the bed. ''Yes, yes.'' The doctor replied. 

   ''Okay so, I can happily say that you can go to your classes back on Monday, but no physical exercises.'' The doctor handed me a piece of paper with some stuff written down. ''And you need to come back in a week, to get your stitches removed.'' ''Okay, thanks!'' I replied and stood up, Weems standing up as well. After that, we both left the doctor's office and went back to the car. 

   I was heading for the back seat when Weems said: ''Why you always sit in the back, come to the front.'' She gestured to the front seat and I came to the front. I sat in and pulled out my phone to see some new messages from my friend. Miss. Weems turned on the car and started driving. ''Well look at that, you will go back to classes!'' She said. ''Yes, thank god.'' I tried to ignore the fact that she saw me in my goofy bralette. 

   I was looking at my phone and texting my friends when I felt Miss. Weems hand on my thigh. I immediately felt blood rushing to my face and my heart beating faster. I looked at the road and then at my thigh which now had Weems hand on it. I panicked but I really liked it. Without a second doubt placed my palm on her hand and left it there. I looked at her and smiled, my heart racing hard. The whole car ride back was silent and I kept my hand on her hand even until we drove up to school. I let my hand go and stepped out of the car and started walking to the school. I turned around and said to her: ''You really know how to drive with one hand, and that is so hot!'' I turned back around and entered the school. 


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