Chapter 137- At least Someone...

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   ''WHAT? WHY?'' I was so confused why my mother had made this comment about me not attending Nevermore for the second semester. ''OH! So your girlfriend didn't tell you.'' When my mom said that I turned to Larissa shocked that she knew about this and didn't tell me. ''You kept it from me?'' I asked trying to keep myself together from breaking and crumbling apart. ''I wanted to tell you today.'' She calmly replied and I had a feeling as to why she hadn't yet told me, but then I turned my attention back to my mother to find out what was the reason. 

   ''Why do I have to leave? What is the problem here?'' I asked already digging my nails into my palms as an immediate stress response. ''The problem?'' She laughed before continuing,'' The problem is this whole school together! You come here and get together with the wrong people, and now look where this has led you! You are g-gay, you have an attitude...I don't even know you!'' Every word that came out of my mother's mouth offended me even more, but she wasn't still done talking. 

   ''It's fine! We will take you back...we will get you help and everything will be back to normal in no time.'' She was starting to comfort herself with the idea that by putting me in the looney bin I will not be gay anymore. ''I am gay mom! I have been gay my whole life! This place didn't turn me around or anything but instead, it helped me more than ever. And I even found someone and I don't need your stupid approval!'' I said as I stepped closer to Larissa and took her hand into my palm to not feel so alone at the moment. 

   ''This is just outrageous! You're going back and you will never ever see this woman in your whole life!'' Officially my mother had stepped over everyone's boundaries and that is when Larissa knew she had to say something. ''Please, I advise you to calm down...your daughter can make choices of her own, she can no longer submit to you, she can do whatever she pleases.'' And that just seemed to piss my mother off even more. ''I'm her mother! I speak for her and I say she is going back!'' 

   ''NO MOM! I am not your little girl anymore and I will finish this year here whether you like it or not! And you can't forbid me from dating Larirssa, it is not the 19th century I have my own voice and I will use it, even if it means that I have to use it against you!'' I said still cramped onto Larissa's hand not ready to let it go. 

   ''FINE! Let's see what your father will have to say about it. He will talk sense in your head.'' And like a little child she turned around and walked out of Larissa's office leaving me and Larissa alone. ''Y/n...can you please loosen your grip a little.'' Larissa's words snapped me back to reality and I realized that this whole time I had been digging my nails now into her hand. ''God! I am so sorry...a bad habit.'' I said as I released her hand and immediately saw red little lines appear on her skin. ''I am so, so sorry.'' I tried to apologize as I pulled her hand up and lightly kissed it as a way of soothing the little pain I had caused her. 

   ''Now I know from who you get the childish attitude.'' She giggled a little but you weren't in the mood to laugh and make some joes. ''Fuck...I don't what to go! They will literally deport me back, my dad will kill me in the worst scenario. I don't want to go, Larissa, I like it here, I like being with you.'' I finally broke, and a river of tears started running down my cheeks, I had never experienced such a bad fight with the person who had given me life in the first place. 

   ''Now, now, it will be alright.'' She pulled me into a big hug tightly wrapping her hands around my body and letting me sob in her arms, ''We will figure this out together, I will not let you go my butterfly, we will get through this.'' It felt like I just wanted to crumble into little pieces, rip my heart out, and throw myself into a river to never be found again, the secret I had been holding on to for so long was now out. 

   My whole life had crumbled in front of me just in a matter of minutes and now I couldn't do anything to fix it or glue it back together. I already knew I had lost my mother for good, not physically but emotionally the already thin, worn-down string between us was cut. I had never felt a worse feeling than now, even getting stabbed or almost dying wasn't as worse as losing the connection with my mother. At least I still had Larissa. 

   ''Will I finish the school year here?'' I asked under the scuffled words of my quiet breathing to which Larissa calmly replied, ''I know you will...'' I didn't want to let go of Larissa, all I needed right now was her, and her comfort. And Larissa understanding what I needed didn't let go, she was ready to hold me in her arms as long as I needed. But again someone made us break the hug apart but this time it wasn't my mom. 

   ''Y/n? '' A calm manly voice came from the entrance of the office and when I looked I saw my dad and Molly just standing there. ''D-dad...'' I bowed my head down already ready to hear his scolding speech. ''I knew there was something between you two.'' He softly laughed making me look up and face him. '' knew? You know that I-I am-'' I asked confused about where he was trying to move this conversation. ''Come here...'' He opened up his arms for me to go hug him, and that is just what I did, I walked up to him and still unsurely tried to hug him, but he wrapped his arms around me first. 

   ''I knew about you since you were...what, a young teenager.'' He giggled before he broke the hug apart and looked into my eyes. ''And you're fine with it?'' I asked to which he just smiled. ''I don't see anything wrong with it...'' he wiped my tears off my cheeks, ''you're still a functioning human being like anyone of us, right?''My dad had never been so comforting to me, yes he has always been the cool supportive dad, but I never knew he would be THE Cool supportive dad. 

   ''You're seriously fine with me being-'' ''Of course I am, and I have nothing against your little romance story.'' He giggled as he looked up at Larissa who was just standing there with Molly next to her observing everything. '''Wait- really.'' ''Yes, Y/ is not like you got this from your mother.'' ''What are you saying...I am not getting it.'' I stupidly laughed trying to brush the awkwardness away. My dad just looked over at Larissa and said to both of us, ''Your dad back in the your age, had its fair share of romantic stories just like you.''

   ''Ohh...'' You were glad that at least someone was there for you. ''All right...'' He fixed his shirt before saying, ''So, has your mother already signed the papers about you leaving because I would like to burn them in the fireplace.'' He chuckled as he looked over at Larissa who had the sweetest expression on before she said, ''Unfortiently for you, you won't get to burn anything because no paper had yet been signed, it is more complicated than just writing your name on a piece of document.'' 

   ''But what about Mom? She will drag me out of here by force if necessary.'' I said feeling happy but at the same time nervous. ''Oh, just give her some time, she will eventually come around it, it is not like there is another daughter to whose wedding she can come.'' ''Ha, ha, yea right...'' 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now