Chapter 106- One Wine Bottle

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   After my classes had ended I was heading to my dorm when Miss. Thornhill caught up to me. "Hello Y/n, I wanted to know if you will show up today at 5 because you missed the last week's lesson." She always kept a smile on despite the situation. "Oh! Right...yes, I will." I had already forgotten about our arrangement because of everything that was going on with Ember, but I knew I had to show up or else I would fail this subject if I didn't pass the test on Friday, especially because there are less than 2 weeks left of this school year.  

   "All right then, see you at 5." She cheerfully replied making me awkwardly laugh because I deeply didn't want to go, tho I had to. After I had walked back to my dorm, I read my book until I had to go to Miss. Thornhill lesson. This hour felt like it was going forever and I couldn't wait to just get out and go to Larissa to spend the rest of the evening with her. 

   Many times in that lesson I started wondering about what could we do together, I still had the thought in mind to sit in her lap and just press my head against the shoulder or just kiss her soft red lips while looking into her glossy blue eyes that where the most gorgeous things I had ever seen. Finally, when the lesson ended I quickly gathered all my stuff and left Miss. Thornhill, feeling excited to finally see Larissa and continue living my fantasy, but before I could go to her I walked back to my dorm to put the papers down and change into something more comfortable because right now I was still wearing the hideous school's uniform. 

   As I was walking I was wondering how Larissa's discussion with Ember went, but I didn't dive deeper into it because I knew I would find out soon enough. So I got back to my dorm, changed into some sweatpants and a sweater obviously wearing a top underneath it, and continued my way to Larissa's office. I finally felt at peace to know that Weems had talked to Ember about the topic that had been torturing my heart for way too long already, but now I was super curious to know how Ember reacted to the unpleasant news and if she took them well or not, so I started walking faster. 

   After this short walk, I finally made it to Larissa's office and without a second doubt entered it immediately seeing Larissa on the sofa with a glass of wine in her hand. Weems heard me as soon as I entered and said: "Y/n...I was waiting for you." She stood up, put the glass down on the floor, and walked up to me, more like wobbled up to me. "Have you been drinking? Is it something to do with Ember?" I asked as Weems brushed her hands against my arms. "Oh, Ember has done too much for one day already..." She giggled as she kept straight eye contact, making me wonder what Ember did, that made Larissa drink wine because wine for her was only on special occasions. 

   "So...what did Ember do?" I asked now dying to know what stupid things Ember did. "I will tell you later. Now...How do you feel about doing something fun?" She dragged a finger up to my cheek placing a hair strand behind my ear giving me butterflies. "What kind of fun..." I smirked toward her as I took one step closer to her our bodies almost touching, knowing exactly what she meant by that, and Larissa knew that I knew. "Y/n...go lock the doors." Larissa threw a glance at her office door and without waiting for another second I stepped away from her and walked up to the door. 

   I liked how Larissa was thinking and I was down for her idea and when I had locked the door I turned around to walk back to Weems, but she was already standing right in front of me. She took another step closer making my back press against the cold wooden door as Larissa's hands slid onto my waist. I kept staring into her beautiful ocean-blue eyes feeling like I was hypnotized by their beauty as Larissa's face moved closer and closer until our lips met each. Larissa's hands quickly moved down to my but, and I knew what was coming so I placed my hands on her shoulders before she picked me up. 

   I wrapped my legs around her so she doesn't drop me as she started carrying me towards the bedroom meanwhile I was now kissing her neck. She brought me into the bedroom but didn't place me on the bed as she usually did, instead, she placed me on the floor and immediately pressed me back against the wall. 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now