Chapter 67- A Close Call

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   ''Do we really have to talk about it? It was just one time...'' I asked as we entered Weems's office. ''Yes, we have to.'' She said closing the doors and walking past me. ''You want to prove a point, right? I ran off and got drunk because we fought about my problems.'' I said as Weems walked into her bedroom and brought a glass of water and a box of pills. ''No I don't want to prove a point, I just want to talk to you.'' She handed me the glass of water meanwhile holding onto the box and opening it. ''And that is exactly what a person who wants to prove a point would say,'' I said just taking a sip of the plain water. ''Y/n...'' Weems started talking, walked up to the sofa, and sat  down, ''Come, sit, let's just talk.'' She said patting the empty space on the sofa next to her and I quickly walked up to her. 

   ''First the painkillers.'' I pulled out my hand towards her and she placed a singular pill in my palm. ''Thank you,'' I placed the pill on my tongue while making eye contact with her and washed it down with water. ''Now sit.'' She demanded and pulled me down on the sofa. ''Gezz, don't need to be so aggressive tho,'' I said almost spilling the rest of the water out. 

   ''Okay, let's get to the point...Y/n, I will be talking to you not as my partner, but as a student of this school, because you, yesterday broke many school rules.'' ''What are those rules?'' I asked trying to take this conversation seriously. ''Well, you left the school grounds and didn't show up after 9 pm, you got drunk and you ignored your principal.'' She said and I just kept nodding my head trying to keep a straight face. ''Y/n, this is not the first time this has happened, and- is this funny to you?'' She noticed that I wasn't serious about it. ''Well, is weird that you are talking to me as if we never existed, it is just goofy, I am sorry, I literally can't take this seriously,'' I said trying not to giggle and make Weems even madder. ''You know I am very disappointed in you Y/n...'' She said keeping a straight face the whole time. 

   ''And I am very disappointed in you, for making me go to therapy!'' I said crossing my arms and getting straight to the point I came to talk about. ''Yes, and I am very sorry about that, I thought about it and decided that it will be your call if you want to go or not, it is just that I am worried that you got drunk because we fought, that this is the way you deal with those problems.'' She said scooting a little closer to me. ''It. Was. One. Time!'' I said not wanting to talk about it. ''I am worried that it might happen again...'' She looked deep into my eyes with her ocean-blue eyes. ''I don't think so...besides the experience after drinking is not for me honey.'' I giggled and pressed my back on the sofa. ''Everyone says that Y/n.'' Weems said as she wrapped her hand around my shoulder and pulled me closer to her. ''So we are not talking formally anymore?'' I asked. ''Will you take this for an answer'' And after she said that she immediately gave me a little kiss. 

   ''Maybe...'' I said with a little grin on my face and as Weems heard what I said she put her lips back on mine. I placed my hand on her thigh and softly dug my nails in and then I felt her hands grab around my waist. ''Oh Larissa, how did you manage to steal my heart?'' I asked as I let go of her lips to take in a deep breath before going back in and continuing to kiss her. ''Shush, stop talking.'' She whispered in between kisses and then I felt her hands start moving up my waist along my back up to my neck so I started moving my hand up her thigh till it stopped in the curve of her waist. Every moment I spent with Larissa was like God's gift, and making out with her was like pure heaven, but it all came crashing back down to earth when someone knocked on her doors. 

   We both got startled a little and I quickly got up on my feet and so did Weems. ''Come in!'' Weems said fixing her dress and checking if her lipstick wasn't smudged. ''Hey I interrupting something?'' Miss. Thornhill asked when she saw me and Weems just standing there. ''Oh no! I was just leaving! Miss. Weems asked me to talk to her because I wasn't attending classes today as you already know.'' I said starting to walk towards the door. ''Oh, Y/n did Enid give you the homework?'' Miss. Thornhill asked as I opened up the door to exit Weems's office. ''Yup! Okay then, good day Miss. Weems, Miss. Thornhill.'' I said and left them both in Larissa's office. 

   ''A close one!'' I whispered as I walked back to my dorm and now I was thinking: ''What would happen if someone caught us? Larissa would definitely lose her job and I...what would happen to me? We should be more careful next time!'' 

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now