Chapter 53- Binge night

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I was playing some video games when my phone rang: "Hey!"My best friend called me." Heyy! Lets binge watch American Horror Story all night!" She immediately said in a happy voice."Oh my God! Yess!" I replied and leaned back in my chair and almost falling out from the excitement. "We haven't talked in a while and because we have Disney+ we can watch it together, Yay!" She said in a high pick noise. "And we can call each other on ft." I started walking around my dorm because that is what I usually did when I talked to someone. "So what is a good time for you? In assume we have the 2-hour difference, but I can only after 8, that would be 6 for you." She started brainstorming the timelines. "I guess we can call at that time then, I have nothing else really to do anyways," I said as I stepped out on my balcony. "So? What have you been up to?" She changed the subject and asked with curiosity in her voice, "have any partners? Tell meee...." She really wanted to know, but I am not going to tell her about Weems because she won't support me, so I told her: am not looking for anyone." I said giggling a little. "No! You need to find someone, please...." She disappointedly sighed but then I lifted my head up and saw Weems up on her balcony and she waved for me to come to her office. "Umm, I have to go, call me at 6 and your 8 okay, bye!" I hung up the phone and left my balcony and went straight to Weems office.

"Hey!" I entered her office and immediately greeted her. "Hello, my love, who were you talking to so excited?" She asked coming up to me. "My friend...oh and that reminds me that I won't sleep tonight with you. I will stay up all night and binge-watch American Horror story." I said feeling a big smile appear on my face. "Well. We can binge wach it togheter." She wrapped her arm around my shoulder and lead me to the sofa. "Oh, well sorry to disappoint but I am watching it with my friend. And besides, you probably can't last a whole night awake." I giggled and pressed closer to her. "Oh, you think that?" Wees got a big grin on her face and pulled herself closer to me. "I guess I will have to show you that I can stay awake." Her face was now inches from mine. "You have doubts?" I teased her a little and as I said that she immediately placed her lips on mine. She softly kissed my lips and I placed my hands on her hips for grip. Then she started kissing me down my neck and I let out a little moan. "Don't get too excited!" She let her lips go away from my neck and stood up. "Oh, I won't." I stood up and hugged her from the back stopping her dead in her tracks.

''So why did you make me come here in the first place?'' I asked letting her go and going to face her. ''Right, Dr. Kimbott called...'' She said lowering her voice. ''No shit that she called,'' I said getting a bit annoyed with that therapist, and went to sit back down on the sofa. ''Yes, and she told me that you walked out on her when she asked you to stay for a little while longer,'' Weems said and walked up to her desk and sat down at it. ''Yea, but the session ended, my friends were already waiting for me,'' I replied completely confident in my statement. ''Can't you get along with that woman?'' She asked while I stood up and started walking up to her. ''I don't know, she is really goofy, to be honest,'' I said as I walked up to her, ''but now I will go, I want to take a long hot shower.'' ''Okay then, when you finish your binge, come to bed with me, please.'' She said giving me soft smile and big puppy eyes. ''I will see, bye.'' I leaned in and gave her a little smooch on her lips before turning around and walking away. ''Bye, love you,'' Weems said before I left her office.

After I got back to my dorm I indeed went and took an hour-long shower and after that, I cleaned my room until it was time for me and my best friend to binge AHS. Then my phone finally rang and I instantly picked up: ''Hey! You ready?'' I asked. ''Yes!'' She responded and we started watching the show. We watched it for 4 hours straight before my best friend paused the show and said: ''Okay mini talking break!'' ''What are we talking about?'I asked getting up to stretch my legs and seeing that Weems office was still lit. ''We have to address the situation with you and relationships.'' She said and I just laughed before answering: ''There is nothing to be addressed, I am not planning to be in a relationship, especially here, what will I and my partner do after I come back home...'' I stopped and realized something. ''What will happen to me and Weems, when I go back home?'' I thought to myself before my friend started talking again. ''No, no, no, I want you to get someone, anyone, until my birthday! Because it is my 18th birthday, it can be my present! Finding out you have a partner.'' She probably started dreaming about it. ''Okay will see, but anyways, what are you planning on your birthday?'' I asked curious to know. ''Well, are you coming home for it?'' She asked curiously. ''Yes! I don't care how many lessons I will miss in this school, I am coming obviously!'' I cheerfully replied. ''Good! But now, let's continue watching the show, my birthday is still in a few months, no need to hurry.'' She replied and put the show back on.

By 6 am we had finished one season and decided to stop there. When I ended the call I was really tired and looked over my bed, and then at my door and imagined Weems's bed, but they both seemed too far for me to reach, so I rested my head on the table. ''Just gonna figure out where to go to sleep.'' I groggily said, but even before I could start thinking I fell asleep on the table.

The angel's voice. Y/n X Larissa Weems secret loveWhere stories live. Discover now