Part 1, Chapter 3: Nothing

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Blue Mercy was not by any means a rule-follower. She preferred a little trouble if it got her somewhere.

She often got badly beaten for her small moments of fun. She would sing some old hymn she could somehow remember the words to, get beaten, she would pull out the needles she was hooked up to, get beaten, snap at her handler, get beaten.

The Winter Soldier didn't like the fact that the little girl came back from her hndler with bruises and cuts, but he knew the little girl was cunning. She was doing this as a part of a plan, she had to have had a reason.

And believe Minicap, there was a plan. She was trying to find which rooms were which, trying to find a way to escape to get back home. Her mama was obviously not coming. She would have to save herself.

She didn't want to get beaten, but she needed them to think she wasn't a good enough asset.

She needed them to think of her as unmoldable.

She found her file immediately, reading the folder quietly while periodically looking up at the door.

Code name: Blue Mercy
Age: 10
Years as Asset: 23, since 1952

Upon hearing footsteps, Blue Mercy stopped reading and put the folder back, sitting in a chair and watching carefully the face of the handler as he entered the room.

She had found all she needed to know, anyway. She was ten years old.

It was hard to remember Blue was ten sometimes.

For someone who had been in captivity for as long as she could remember, Blue Mercy was way too human for anyone to handle. It made me worried for her. I felt responsible for her, like a big brother or  an uncle, training her and teaching her to be an assassin. 

But Blue Mercy was bold. She was witty and determined, talkative and childish all at the same time. She  was quick to learn, and one day when she was an adult she would be twice the asset that I ever was. Blue Mercy was eight, maybe nine, when she learned her hardest lesson. 

We both were in the training room when our handlers entered the room and handed us assignments. It  was completely normal, an ordinary thing, but Blue Mercy had the guts to ask, "Mozhet li eto podozhdat'  do zavtra? YA ustal. My trenirovalis' ves' den'." Can it wait until tomorrow? I'm tired. We practiced all day. 

Her handler stared in shock before slapping her across the face. She gasped, a hand flying up to her face  and she stared at her handler, a shocked look in her eye as she held back tears. 

"Kak ty smeyesh'? Takogo neuvazheniya ya yeshche ne videl. Vy budete zhestoko nakazany za eto. Davayzhe, egoistichnaya i zlaya devochka!" How dare you? I have never seen such disrespect. You will be severely punished for it. Come on, you selfish and evil girl! 

I was instructed to follow as they both dragged Blue Mercy out of the room and up a couple flights of  stairs. Blue Mercy simply kept crying out the same question in Russian, over and over: What had she done? What had she done to deserve pain and torture and punishment? 

She was pushed to the floor of the cryofreeze room, where they began to whip her, beat her, and kick her.  She would whimper and inhale sharply, shaking uncontrollably, when finally, her handler pulled her up  and held her in the air by the collar of her training clothes.

"ty nichto. u tebya net mneniya. vy nashe oruzhiye, kotoroye my mozhem ispol'zovat', kogda zakhotim.  eto oznachayet, chto vy ne prosite zhdat' do zavtra, vy prosto govorite: «gotov podchinit'sya», potomu  chto vy nichto. Ty ponimayesh', Golubaya Mersi? ty. nakhodyatsya. nichego takogo." you are nothing. you  don't have an opinion. you are our weapon that we can use whenever we want. it means you don't ask to wait until  tomorrow, you just say "ready to comply", because you are nothing. Do you understand, Blue Mercy? you. are. nothing. 

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