A very Special Chapter

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The Soldier waited quietly for his boss to walk into the kitchen. He knew he was risking a lot by sitting here like this, but he knew he had to do as he was told, and he knew his job. 

Had Blue Mercy?

Despite not being supposed to have feelings, the Soldier felt sad that he had let the little girl get captured. The worst part was none of Hydra had been able to track her down yet.

He had done that.


The debate in his head was if she had been brave (or stupid, it really was a fine line when it came to Hydra) enough to actually let herself get captured- which was classified as running away. 

If that was the case, she was a dead girl.

His thoughts were paused when Pierce finally walked in. He said a few short words to his cleaning lady, then finally turned away from the Soldier. "Want some milk?"

It was a comment meant to throw salt on a wound, the Soldier knew it. It wasn't a pleasure he was allowed to have- drinking milk? HA! That was a right- a right specifically reserved for humans. Hydra made it clear- he wasn't human.

They exchanged a few words, Pierce mostly leading the conversation. All of the sudden, that cleaning woman was back. "Sorry, I forgot my... keys." She trailed off as she spotted the assassin for the first time.

Pierce appeared disappointed, as if this was an inconvenience, nothing more. "Oh, Renata. I wish you would have knocked."

Renata's death was quick.

The soldier turned back to Pierce. "Blue Mercy?"

"Unfortunately, she won't be joining you on this mission. We've yet to find her, but Rogers must be hiding her. I don't know why he wouldn't think to turn her into Shield. No matter. You'll go at this alone. You find her on your mission, you bring her to me. She'll wish she never let herself get captured."

The Soldier was worried for Blue Mercy, but didn't say anything. He knew his place.

"Oh, and Soldier?"

Bucky looked up, signalling he was listening. "When I'm through with her, you're gonna kill her. You got that?"

And somewhere, far away from that spot, Blue Mercy woke up with a terrible headache, a pang in her stomach, and confusion in her head.

She had just had the strangest dream...

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