Part 2; Chapter 2: Who do you want to be?

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"The first rule of going on the run is don't run, walk." Brooklyn muttered under her breath. She knew if her face wasn't what gave them away, it would be her "father's" anxious glances and constant looking over his shoulder.

Oh, that's right. They had decided on the cover story in the car. They'd stick with Natasha and Rogers dating, and Brooklyn was his spunky little teenager- "tween" was what Nat had called it- who never looked up from her phone.

They had explained that the little box-like device was a cellphone. You could call, send sentences called "texts", and, Brooklyn's favorite feature, play games.

Brooklyn hadn't looked up yet from her "Angry Bird" game, but even she could tell Rogers had never done this before.

Natasha agreed as she made long strides to keep up with the Captain. "She's right."

"If I run in these shoes, they're gonna fall off." Rogers immediately retorted, but faced forward and slowed down nonetheless.

They stepped inside a store full of cellphones and other box-like devices that worked the same way. Brooklyn wanted to look around, but she knew she couldn't. The look of newfound wonder would surely give her away, so she stuck to playing more angry birds.

She listened closely to everything the pair of heroes were saying, but she only understood about half of it. Brooklyn huffed under her breath. If she was addressed, at all by anyone, she was just supposed to roll her eyes, look back at her phone, and answer with, "Whatever," in an American accent.

Were the kids her age in this time period always so rude and disrespectful?

"Stop looking around." The mini-soldier suddenly hissed to Captain America. She had heard Natasha say they only had nine minutes, but she knew they had even less if he kept making their scene obvious.

They continued to talk about things Brooklyn didn't understand when a stranger walked over. "Can I help you guys with anything?"

Brooklyn could have given Natasha an award for "best actress" with how fast she switched. "Oh, no, my fiance and his daughter were just helping me with some honeymoon destinations." She answered in a girly voice, resting on the Captain's shoulder.

She also could have smacked Rogers for how stupid he sounded. "Right. We're getting married." He smiled uncomfortably.

"Congratulations. You excited?" The stranger asked Brooklyn

As per instructed, the younger of the group rolled her eyes. "Whatever."

Brooklyn didn't understand why Natasha was trying to conceal laughter as the man continued very awkwardly. "Where are guy thinking about going?"

The box Natasha was using suddenly blinked. Rogers took one look and answered, "New Jersey."

The long-haired stranger suddenly looked super surprised. Oh god, he's been recognized.

"I have the exact same pair of glasses!"

Oh god, he's stupid. 

Brooklyn snorted and said, "Oh, you're practically twins." Natasha kicked her.

"I wish. Specimen." The stranger chuckled, gesturing to Rogers, who looked very, very confused  at the situation. He nodded back to the stranger. "Uh, if you guys need anything," he held up a nametag. "I've been Aaron."

He walked away without another word, and suddenly Brooklyn realized she was breathing again.


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