Irresistible (That's Harry Styles) Ch.1

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*It all started when a teenage boy ruined my life. And I'm the kind of person who likes payback. He deserved it.Harry Styles. He was the quote unquote badass of the school. He was one of the popular boys that you wanted but could never have. And I wanted him. But I screwed that up when I embarrassed him in front of the school. Lets just say he didn't take it too well...*

He grabbed my shoulders and slammed me against the locker. "If you EVER do that again I WILL..." I moved my face so close to his, our noses were almost touching. "Will what" I said in a threatening tone. I stare intently in his green eyes. The next thing I know, his lips are crushing mine. His hands slide from my shoulders down to my waist. Shocked, I put my hands on his chest to push away, but I find that I can't. I feel myself being pulled towards him, his hard welcoming arms locked around my waist. My arms have a mind of their own, wrapping around his neck. My fingers lock in his curls and I feel my lips give way.

Then just like that, it's over. Harry pulls away, shoves his hands in his pockets and walks away. I stand there with my mouth gaping, wondering if that really just happened. I consider running after him , but decide against it. After doing a happy dance, I lean my back on the locker and sink to the ground. After five minutes I realized that I had on the hugest, stupidest smile ever. I HAD to tell Rachel what happened.

I ran out the school doors, already calling up Rachel. " Hey!" She answered. "What's up?" "Emergency meeting at my house!" I said, walking faster. "Uh oh. What happened?" "Harry kissed me!" I squeal. There was silence on the other line. "SEE YOU IN FIVE MINUTES!!! " she yelled into the phone and I heard my phone beep, telling me she had hung up.

I smiled to myself and sprinted the rest of the way home. Two minutes and twenty three seconds later I arrived at home. "How was your day today sweetie?" I heard my mom ask from the living room. "Fine." I replied. "Rachel is coming over mom." "Ok. That's fine with me." "Yay!" I said before sprinting up the stairs and into my bedroom.

I collapsed on my bed, waiting for Rachel to get there. What seemed like hours passed and finally Rachel barged into my room. "Sorry!" She gasped, out of breath. "I got here as fast as I could! I had to pack all of my stuff so I could get ready at your house." "Wait... What stuff?" I ask sitting up to look at Rachel. "For the party silly!" She exclaimed.

"Oh no! No. I am NOT going to that party!" "But Harry will be there!" "Exactly my point Rachel! I can't see him after... We kissed!" I squeaked out the last part. "Oh my glob Mackenzie!!! You are coming and that's that!" I sighed and fell back down on my bed. "I don't even have a dress." I said. Rachel gave me a dorky smile that told me she had it covered.

She pulled out a dress that was aquamarine with black lace wrapping around the top. The bottom was poofy and sparkly and came down to about my knees. I gasped. "It's perfect for you!" She said. She tossed it on my lap and pulled out one for herself that was exactly like mine, but pink. We smiled at each other. "MA!" I yelled. "We're going to a party tonight!" "I hope that boy won't be there! He's no good, I'm telling you!" "Ok ma! We'll be fine!" I say winking at Rachel.

We got up and started getting ready. I slipped on my dress and started on hair and makeup. I put my hair up in a curly bun and Rachel curled hers and left it down. "Meow! 'Ello pussy cat!" Rachel winked. I slapped her stomach and smiled. We slipped on some flats and each grabbed a jacket. I slid mine on and zipped it up as we went down the stairs.

"What time is it?" I asked Rachel. "It's eight fifteen. We're fashionably late. Rachel smiled and, taking my hand, pulled me towards the front door. "When will you girls be home?" My mom asked. "And Is Rachel staying the night?" "Yes, Rachel is staying the night. And we should be home at about ten." "Ok girls. Have fun and be safe." "It's Friday!" "Rachel yelled. "Make it eleven!" She pulled me out the door and we ran, laughing hysterically.

"Hey, I bet Niall will be there!" I giggled, running ahead of Rachel, so she wouldn't hit me. "Hey! She yelled, running after me into the night. I was ready to see Harry.

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