Irresistible (That's Harry Styles) Ch.11

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After a couple of hours on the beach we all came inside to dry off. We decided to watch pitch perfect since it was Rachel and I's favorite movie. When the cup song came on Rachel and I ran into the kitchen and took out two red solo cups, bringing them into the living room. We sang and moved our cups in sync to the song.

When we were finished, the boys paused the movie and had us do it again. "You guys should become a singing duo." Zayn said. I laughed, thinking he was joking, but when I looked at him his face was dead serious. "Maaayyybbbbeeee?" I ask Rachel and wink. "Ha ha. Very funny." She said sarcastically taking the remote and pressing play.

I climbed up onto the couch, sitting in Harry's lap. Rachel raised one of her eyebrows, but didn't say anything. "Popcorn!" Niall moaned. "Kenzie and I will go make some." Rachel said standing up and waiting for me. I moan and stand up, following her into the kitchen.

"Spill it." Rachel said as soon as we were alone. I fumble with the t-shirt I had on. "Well..." I start. "When you guys left, I kinda... We kinda... Umm... Ya know..." "You didn't!" Rachel gasps. "Rachel, your girly girl is showing." I say with a sigh. "Oops." She mumbles. "So? How was it?" She asks."Oh my glob Rachel!" I smack her and feel myself blushing. "What? I'm your best friend! You can tell me!" Rachel reasons. "It was... Nice." I say, the blush returning to my face. "Awe!" Rachel sighs.

"Popcorn!" Niall screams from the other room. "We better get on that!" Rachel says giggling. We throw the packet in the microwave and press the buttons. "I know what I want. I want Harry..." I say over the sounds of the popcorn popping. "I just don't want it to be awkward around Louis." "It'll be fine. Just go with the flow." "I guess" I say sighing. "So how's it going with you and Niall?" "Omg! He asked me out yesterday and I said yes!" "Good for you." I say with a smile. The microwave beeped, telling us the popcorn was ready. We poured the popcorn in separate bowls and carried them into the living room.

"Finally!" Niall said reaching for a bowl of popcorn. I returned to Harry's lap with a bowl of popcorn and snuggled into his chest. By the end of the movie there was popcorn everywhere. We threw handfuls of popcorn at each other, laughing, while Niall ate off the ground shouting "My popcorn! My popcorn!" Once we ran out of popcorn we all helped clean the mess up.

"I want REAL food!" Niall moans. I check my cell phone and see that it's one o'clock. "Wadda ya want?" Liam asks Niall. "Pizza." Niall moans, throwing himself across the floor. "Ok! Ok. I'll go get some." Liam says. "I'm coming with!" Zayn says getting up. Once the boys left it was just Niall, Rachel, Harry and I. After a couple of minutes Niall dragged a giggling Rachel upstairs. I sigh and spread out on the couch with Harry.

"Uhg. I do NOT want to go to that pool party." I sigh. "I swear, Rachel has something planned every day. It makes me tired." "She IS a girl." Harry says. I lift my head off his chest and stick my tongue out at him. He laughs at me and kisses my forehead. "Let's play a game." Harry says with a smirk. I raise my eyebrow. "What kinda game?" "One person asks a question and the other person either answers truthfully, or you have to kiss the other person." He smiles. "Ok." I say.

"First question. Are you mad at Louis?" I ask him. "No." He replies. "Did you enjoy yourself last night?" "Very much, yes." I smile and blush. "Was it your first time?" I ask. He leans forward and kisses me. "Harry!" I say in alarm and roll off of him, onto the floor. I clutch my stomach and start laughing HARD. I don't know why I find this funny, but I do. He sits up and looks at me. "You're blushing!" I say sitting up and pointing my finger at him.

"Am not!" He says covering his cheeks.

"Are too!"

"Am not!"

"Are too!" I yell.

"Are too!"

"Are not!" I yell and slap my hand over my mouth. "HA!" Harry yells pointing at me. I smile, leaning forward to kiss his lips. He leaned forward also, deepening the kiss. We heard a key in the lock and pulled apart before the front door opened. "We're back!" Liam and Zayn yell in unison. I heard Niall run down the stairs. "Pizza!" He screamed. Rachel was on his back laughing. We all gathered around the table and shoved our faces with pizza. We ate and talked as time flew by.

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