Irresistible (That's Harry Styles) Ch.12

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I made my way into the backyard in a daze. Harry was in the pool talking to some friends, but when he saw me he jumped out and ran over to me. "What's wrong?" He said with concern. "Nothing." I mutter wiping the tears away. "It's not a big deal." "Yes it is!" He argues. "You're crying. Just tell me what happened." "It's just Louis." I mumble. "He-he was with a girl and-" Harry looked confused but then Louis came stumbling out the back door.

The slut was following behind him, trying to cling to his neck. Rachel noticed us and scrambled over to where we were. "Kenzie." Louis breathed when he was close enough for me to hear him. His hand reached over and rested on my shoulder. I shrugged it off and scooted closer to Harry. "Don't touch me." I say hearing the venom in my own voice.

He reached out to me again, but Harry stepped in front of me. "Hey man. Just leave her alone." Harry says with a hint of anger. Louis's face flashed with anger and he leaped at Harry. "Stop!" I cried. I tried to get closer to them and the slut blocked my way. "How dare you ruin my night you stupid little whore!" My vision turned red and I clenched my fist."What? Does the little slut think she can have BOTH guys?" She smirked at me. I knew what was coming.

My fist met her face HARD and she fell to the ground shrieking. "Bitch." I mumble my hand shaking it off. It kind of hurt, but it was definitely worth it. I remember the boys and run over to them. The crowd was just sitting there watching in amusement. What kind of people could be this terrible? Why wasn't anyone trying to stop them? I glance at the other boys and they stood there shocked.

"Stop!" I scream again. I clasp Louis's arm tightly and tug, trying to separate them myself. I hear a growl from Louis and I feel a sharp pain right next to my eyebrow. The blow sends me flying backwards and I land on the hard cement. I scream, holding my face in my hand. This jolts Liam, Zayn and Niall out of their shock and they sprint over to the fighting boys, pulling them apart.

Rachel is suddenly right next to me. "Oh my gosh Mackenzie! It's going to be ok. Just hold on... Niall!" She yells. "Go! Help her. We got this." Zayn says struggling to hold Harry back from Louis. Niall runs over to me and picks me up. He carries me inside, into the kitchen and lays me down on the table. I hear water running, then feel a cool washcloth on my face. "Ow. Ow. Ow." I keep repeating. "Oh my gosh Mackenzie. I'm so sorry." Rachel whispers. Her eyes start watering and she snivels.

"Hey!" I say. "Don't cry! Did you see me take out that bitch?" I ask trying to smile. I end up flinching. "Yeah." She nods. She starts to laugh half heatedly and I join her. "Can you just take me home? I don't want to be here anymore." Rachel nods and motions for Niall to pick me up again. "No. It's fine, I can walk." I sit up and swing my legs off the table.

Right when my feel hit the ground I start to wobble. Rachel catches me and stands on one side of me, while Niall stands on the other side, both of them supporting my weight. I hold the cloth to my face, only able to see out of one eye, as they helped me walk outside to the car. I climbed inside and shut the door. Rachel and Niall had a quick conversation then Rachel joined me in the car.

She sped off to my house in silence until I say "Jeez Rachel. You're driving like we're in grand theft auto." "Sorry." She says slowing down a little. "I just really want to get you home safe. My mind is reeling from what happened at the party." I glare at her. "Sorry." She mumbles. "You DID get punched in the face... I shouldn't have made you go..." She bites her lip and tightens her grip on the steering wheel. When we arrive at my house Rachel helps me to the front door.

"Do you want me to come in? I can stay the night if you want?" She asked hopefully. "No thanks. My mom should be home and I'd rather just be alone..." "Ok." She sighs. "I thought you might say that. Just make sure to ice it." She points to my eye with the washcloth on it. "I will." I say hugging her. "I'll see you tomorrow." She says. And with that she gets into her car and drives off.

I pull my key out of my wallet, in my bag. I'm surprised I still have my bag, with everything in it, after all that had happened. I sigh and unlock the door, stepping in and closing it behind me. I lock the door back up and make my way into the kitchen. When I flip on the light switch I see a note on the kitchen counter.








She didn't even say when she was coming back. I'm used to her leaving all the time, so I usually do and go wherever I want. Even though i'm sixteen, I feel like i'm eighteen. I still wish I could see her more often. Especially times when I need her, such as right now. I sigh and after I get a bag of ice I turn the light off and walk upstairs to the bathroom.

When I remove the rag from my face, in front of the mirror, the sight makes me gasp. All around my eye is covered with dark purple splotches and there's a cut right through my eyebrow. "Jeez." I say out loud to myself. "That's one nasty battle wound." I grab my bag of ice and go into my room. I want to take a hot shower and eat some food, but my body simply won't allow it. My body collapses in my bed, laying on my back, cloths and all. I don't even have the energy to put on my PJ's.

I sit the ice pack on the damaged side of my face, flinching at the cold and the pain. Even though my mind is racing I fall asleep quickly, the pain on my face slowly subsiding.

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