Irresistible (That's Harry styles) Ch.13

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I wake up with a bag of water on my face and when I glance at the clock it's five. I groan and try to go back to sleep.

After a half hour of laying there I decide to get up. I throw the covers off and step into my slippers. I shuffle into the bathroom and turn the light on. When I look into the mirror everything from the night before comes flooding back. The girl with louis, the fight, and the hit in the face.

Half of my face is clearly purple and blue and the cut is slowly healing. I walk back into my room and change into some yoga pants and a t-shirt. I slip on my shoes,grab my key, then run downstairs and out the door. I figure a little fresh air couldn't hurt.

It was only six so it was pretty dim outside, but it was bright enough for me to see where I was going. I breathe in the fresh air and feel goosebumps rise on my arms. The chill of the morning air is refreshing and wakens my sleepy body. I hear birds chirping quietly from far away.

My feet crunch on the gravel as I turn down a hiking path. Deeper in the woods I go and it gets chillier by the second. My breath swirls around my face and rises into the sky as I rub my hands together. I continue up the winding path for quite a while before deciding its time to head back. I pivot and start retracing my steps back down the gravel path.

I quietly hum to myself and try to think about what to do about my boy problems. I think about inviting Rachel over but I kind of want to just be alone today. I get back to the house, and walk inside, I'm greeted with warm air that wraps around me like a blanket. I head to the bathroom and strip off all my cloths.

Turning on the shower, making sure to crank the heat up, I slip in, not bothering to close the bathroom door. The hot water runs over my skin and it burns, but feels good at the same time. I close my eyes, inhaling the steam and try to relax. I take my time washing my hair and body and when I'm done I wrap myself in a towel and run to my bedroom.

"Arg! Cold!" I squeal as I dig through my dresser to find cloths. I slip on panties and a bra and dig out my old sweatpants to put on. I throw on a random t-shirt from my draw and find a baggy sweatshirt in my closet. I sit on my bed thinking about what I want to do. I should probably eat something. I jog downstairs and open the fridge, finding nothing appetizing.

"Screw breakfast." I mumble opening the freezer and pulling out some ice cream. I stick a spoon in my Oreo ice cream and plop myself down on the couch. I turned on the t.v and searched through Netflix until I find the movie 'Crazy, stupid love' and press play. By the end of the movie my tub of ice cream is gone. And I'm still depressed. When I walked into the kitchen I threw away the empty tub, tossing my spoon in the sink.

I hear a quiet noise coming from upstairs so I run up, into my room and dig my phone out of my bag. The caller I.D says it's Rachel so I sigh and pick it up. "Hey." I say. "Hi. I just wanted to tell you what happens last night after I went back to the party." She pauses and waits for me to reply. "Umm... Ok?"

She continues. "When I went back to the party Louis was calmed down a bit. He felt so horrible for hitting you and he cried a lot. He kept asking if you were ok. We took him home. Harry was boiling mad and wanted to hurt him. He kept saying he wanted to come see you, but I told him to let you be for a while. He is going to come over today though.."

As if on cue, there is a knock at the door. "Someone's here." I say walking down the stairs, to the front door. "I should let you go." "Ok." She sighs into the phone. "Bye." The call ends. I peek through the peep hole and see Harry's angelic face. He runs his hand through his brown curls and knocks again. I swing the door open and he engulfs me in a hug. "Thank goodness!" He says sighing.

He pulls away and holds me at arms length, inspecting my bruised face. His eyebrows furrow and his soft green eyes harden. He looks away from me. "I'm so sorry." He whispers burying his face in his hands. "It wasn't your fault!" I say prying his hands away from his face. His eyes watered and I could tell he was hurting. I did the only thing I could think of and brought my lips to his.

At first he kissed me softly but he wanted to forget also. He deepened the kiss and I obliged leaning into his warm body. His arms snaked around my waist and pulled our bodies closer. My heart raced and I found myself breathing hard. I felt his lips smirk against mine. "Still nervous? After all we've been through?" He asked kissing my neck. A low moan escaped my mouth before answering him.

"Never." I whisper to him as I wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls my legs up, around his waist and starts walking up the stairs into my bedroom. He lays me down on my bed and kisses my lips softly before pulling away. He focuses on my face and I see his brows furrow together again. He touches my bruise softly but it still makes me flinch.

He sighs and stands up. "You need some ice." He says turning to walk out the door. I catch his hand and pull him closer. "I need you." I whisper into his ear. I pull his face to my lips and kiss him again. His tongue traces my bottom lip and slowly pull my lips apart. I let his tongue slide in, then smile and push it out. I bite his bottom lip playfully and tangle my hands in his curls, making him groan.

We are interrupted when we hear a knock at the door. We pull apart and I follow Harry down the stairs. "What are YOU doing here?!" I hear Harry growl after opening the door. I peek around Harry to see none other than Louis. He seriously needs to stop doing that.

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