Irresistible Ch.17

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This chapter has a lot of skipping (Time wise. Such as her classes and stuff)

Enjoy... O_o



It's been a while since Harry had left without a word. I think he was just a little shocked about the possibility and scared about how it would have changed our lives. I sigh and turn out my light. School is tomorrow, and I'm curious about how it will turn out.

~~~~~~ Next morning ~~~~~~

I wake up to my alarm going off at six thirty in the morning and groan. I slip out of my bed, wishing our break was longer. I take a quick shower and get dressed. Today I decide on a plain grey, long sleeved shirt that shows off my shoulder, black skinny jeans and grey uggs. Quickly, I put on some makeup and straighten my hair. When I'm done, I eat a bowl of cereal, grab my backpack and jog outside to meet Rachel right outside in her car.

"Hey." I say sliding into the passenger seat. "Hey." We stop by Starbucks on the way to school and each get a drink. "Are you excited?" Rachel says as we walk into the school. I look around at the faces of the people that I haven't missed one bit. "Not at all." I say. "Me either. See you next period." Rachel says and we go out separate ways.

I walk into my first period, biology, and see the boys all sitting in the back, talking loudly. I roll my eyes. They are even more gossipy than girls. When I put my backpack down and sit at a table, I instantly feel all eyes on me and I hear snickers. I turn in my seat and see Harry and the boys chattering and staring right at me. I make eye contact with Harry and he just smirks at me. He leans back in his chair and whispers to Niall, who laughs in return, and stares at me. My mouth curves into a frown.

"Ok class!" Our teacher says walking in with a fake smile. I lay my head down into my arms on the table and wait for the period to be over.


Finally the bell rings, and I grab my backpack and walk out the door, throwing away my empty Starbucks cup on the way out. "Hey! Wait up!" Harry is suddenly next to me. "What's up babe." He says with a smirk. "Look." I say spinning around and standing right in front of him. "I don't know what that was back there. But if you're going to go back to acting like a dick, don't bother talking to me." I turn around and walk to my next class, leaving Harry standing there alone.


"Hey." Rachel says when I walk over. I plop down next to her and sigh. "What's wrong?" She asks. "Harrys being a dick again." I say. "Well... He IS a popular..." I know he is. But... I thought things would be different since we... "Good morning class!" The teacher says. This is going to be a long day...


"Freaking finally! I'm SO hungry!" I moan. Rachel laughs at me and we grab out lunches from our lockers. "Only two periods left!" Rachel exclaims. "Yeah. Two periods of living hell." I mumble. "Hey. Just ignore her. Katy isn't THAT bad." "No!" I say sarcastically. Rachel rolls her eyes at me. "Speak of the devil."

"Hey Mackenzie!" Katy says walking up to us. "You sure are... Looking nice today." She says looking me up and down, disgust in her eyes. "Uh. Have a nice day." She says walking away. "Bitch." I say. "I heard that!" She calls from down the hallway. "You were supposed to!" I retort. I roll my eyes. "C'mon." Rachel says.


After lunch as I walk to my next class I spy Harry leaning against my locker. Katy is leaning against him, obviously trying to flirt. My mouth drops and my sight turns red. "Excuse me!" I say. I push Katy off of Harry. "I would like to talk to MY boyfriend for a sec." I grab hold of the scruff of Harrys collar and drag him down the hall.

"What the hell Harry!" I practically scream once we are outside. "What?!" Harry asks, playing innocent. "I'm sick if you! You're acting like nothing at all happened between us! I thought you were better than that! What the hell is your problem?!" Harry stays silent, guilt in his eyes. "Hey Harry, what's up?" Zayn says walking out from nowhere. "Oh. Sorry, am I interrupting something?" He asks.

"No." I mumble, wiping my watery eyes. "I was just leaving." I spat at Harry. I spin around and make my way to the bathroom. Once I am safe in a stall, I let everything out. All the hurt, the pain, and the confusion. Tears flow freely down my pink cheeks. Why is he doing this? He told me he loved me...


Once I get myself together, I wipe my eyes and head to class. I'm late so, of coarse, everybody looks at me when I walk in. I avoid meeting Harrys eyes and make my way to the back of the class. Out if the corner of my eye I see Katy smirking. I ignore her.


At the end of the day I make my way to my locker to grab my stuff. "Some boyfriend." I hear Katy laugh from behind me. "I bet you he'd have sex with me any day." She snickers. I can't take it anymore. I spin around and the smirk falls off her mouth when she sees how angry I am. I clench my fist and swing it hard at her face. My fist connects with her jaw and sends her flying. I slowly walk over to her, blood on my fist.

I hear gasps from people in the hallway and see people running to get help. I kneel down next to her and stare into her eyes. "You stay away from him." I whisper. She wipes blood from her mouth. "Why? How about you just go sleep with one of the other boys?" She says with a smirk. My blood boils and my fist connects with her face again.

Suddenly I'm off the ground and my arms are being held back. "Stop." A voice whispers in my ear. "Don't touch me!" I pull away from Harry and see teachers helping Katy up. I glare at Harry one last time, not being able to tell his mood. I run out of the school and down the street. I run all the way to my house and, once I'm inside, I run upstairs, into the bathroom. I wash the blood off my fist, watching the water turn pink and flow down the drain. I didn't know I had that in me. "Mackenzie?" Shit. I forgot to lock the door.


Umm... This chapter just kind of came to me... I didn't know the fight was going to happen. But I wanted to show her changing. That she wasn't the little girl she was in the beginning of the book.

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