04: Rosalie

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I remain impassive. I have learned how to shelter my emotions, and how to not show what I am actually feeling.

Rosalie has not learned that trick, and the truth is written all over her face. Lux was correct, and I hate that she is. Rosalie is a loyal, independent woman who deserves nothing but a man to love her. I cannot. I can't love her the way she needs.

I can't love anyone in that way because I know I would always dream of Adalind. My eyes fall onto Lucian who is already looking at me. He does not seem worried to be alone in a room filled with wolves.

"If we cannot get along, we will never find the keys. Your disdain with my Regent is warranted," he says, his voice even. "But no one in her House will allow you to insult her blatantly in front of us. I would hate to see you go too far and end up in a casket." His eyes finally leave me and land on Rosalie.

"I am sorry for the words said today about your Regent," Prima Grace says.

"I am as well. As far as the House of Dae is concerned, we are partners. You have nothing to fear so long as you do not betray us."

"There is a way to find out where all the keys are hidden," Demise says. I immediately know what he is referring to. "There is a seutis on our lands."

"A truth speaker," Lucian says, interested, sliding his elbows on his knees. "Where?"

"Pack Stephan. We can travel there next time."

"No. We go now. We cannot wait."

"You will travel with us without your House?"

"If you are suggesting it's dangerous to go alone with you, I know I am strong enough to myst home and maybe kick your asses."


The seutis' eyes landed on Lucian immediately. It was not interested in any of us, except him.

"You have traveled here alone because you knew I would force Adalind to admit her darkest secret. You're protecting her," it whispered, a laugh hanging in the air. "You'll always protect her."

"Yes," he agreed.

I try to contain how uncomfortable it makes me. How jealous I am, how it makes my skin crawl in pure unadulterated rage.

"Tell me a secret," it says.

Lucian steps forward. "I hate Goliath."

It laughs. "Hardly a secret. What about that scar? That runs over your right eye, to your chin...how did you get it?"

Lucian swallows. "I did it to myself."


"That is enough," he responds. "That was my secret."

"Very well. The Key of Nyght is within the Garden of Sunshine which will be located where your Regent gave herself up in three days time. The Key of Dae is within the House of Nyght in the Prison of Nightmares. The Key of Gemini is within the House of Aquarius in the Forest of Winds..."


Lucian mysted back to his House immediately after visiting the seutis. Grace was well enough now that she could transition and run back to the capital. As she and Demise shifted and ran back, I followed closely behind along with Rosalie.

I hated to admit that I knew of Rosalie's feelings. Her eyes lingered for too long and her care crossed platonic years ago. I never shared them. I did not feel the same way about her, but I never meant to hurt her. She was a resilient, brilliant woman, just not my woman.

She was my friend. We fought together, and I trained her. She is an excellent warrior and a dear friend to Prima Grace. But that was all she ever was. A friend.

As we come to the palace, we return to our human form and go our separate ways. I go to my bedroom which was on the highest floor of the palace. Stepping out of the shower, I hear Rosalie before she knocks. I hold my breath, not wanting her to hear my annoyance at her presence.

Wrapping the towel around my waist, I am reminded again of Grace's presence. Once she saw how the average items within the palace did not properly fit me, she arranged for extra-long materials to be crafted, including bathing towels. My jaw tightens as I realize that my mind wandered a little too far during my shower about Adalind and now my arousal is clearly evident against the white cotton.

Opening the door, Rosalie's bright, ocean eyes meet my gaze. She looks apprehensive, which is a startling contrast to her usual cool disposition. I immediately soften.

"Hi," she starts, nervously.

I move out of the way for her to enter. She plays with her hands as she stands in the middle of my grand suite.

"Look I," she starts, turning toward me. "I didn't mean for you to find out that way."

"Is it true, then?"

A deep purple blush cascades down her ebony skin as she nods. "I am no fool. I know you do not feel the same. I understand that, but I wanted you to know that things don't have to change between us."

"And they won't," I agree. Silence follows my words. Sighing, I walk to her and grab her shoulders. "You are a good woman. A better gamma. You are deserving of all the love in the world, but I could never give you it. Not because you are unappealing to me." It was true. She was a beautiful woman. Men fawned over her. "But because I am already mated."

"But you aren't," she says quietly. Her eyes look up at me as most people do, but she's much taller than the average woman. "You aren't mated. Goliath, you rejected her."

"Because of the morals you and I share." Letting go of her, I run a hand through my wet and fallen hair. "If she had not done what she had, I would be with her now. She is everything, physically, I could ever want."

Rosalie winces as if she thought something different. How could she? Adalind is my mate, my soulmate, everything about her appearance appeals to me in a way no one has before.

"But you could love another," she says, a plea loud in her soft tone.

I shake my head. "If I cannot love her, I can't love another. I am sorry, Rosalie. Truly, I am sorry to have hurt you. You are my friend, and I will treat you as such. My care for you has not waned."

Rosalie nods and heads to the door. "If you ever," she starts. "If you ever need a release..."

"I could never use you like that, Rosa."

"It wouldn't be using me if you gave me what I wanted too."

Her eyes are gleaming with excitement and I am glad that I can hide my expressions well, or else she would see my nose wrinkle in disgust as the scent of her arousal invades my space.

"You can have any man you want."

"No, I can't, apparently."

"Any other man."

"I am sorry, Goliath. Not for..." she gestures between us. "But for Adalind. You deserve better - so much better."

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