16: The Riddlemaker

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The winds tear through the forest harshly. My feet are pulled from underneath me. A startled yelp leaves my lips before a slender hand reaches out for me. Rosalie's hand is locked around mine while her other is holding onto Goliath. She's being pulled by the furious winds just like me. Only the men seem to be able to maintain their footing, haphazardly. 

Goliath gives a firm tug of Rosalie's arm, yanking us both back to the ground. 

"Get down," he orders. 

We obey, crouching down on our hands and knees. The wind seems to siphon above us, letting us stay on the ground. A long, high-pitched scream enters my ears and I squeeze my eyes shut to try to cut it out. 

"It's windy!" Xerxes exclaims. His hand is clawing at the trunk of the tree to stay put. I have no idea how the trees can remain so steadfast here. They even have branches that sway viciously but never break. 

"No shit," Goliath barks back. He rips off a leather belt that was around his chest and kneels down before Rosalie and me. His eyes meet the other woman's. "Shift and stay close to us. And you," his eyes land on me. They brighten and my breath hitches. I never realized how...silver they were. For some reason, I always thought they were brown. His hand tugs mine away from the ground, buckling one end around both my wrists. 

"What are you doing," I shout out of curiosity and over the wind. He pulls the leather belt around the tree trunk and ties it to my hands. It's tight. My hair is in my face as he speaks to me. 

"Stay here," he says. A firm hand pushes my hair from my eyes. "Adalind, stay here."

I roll my eyes but nod. "I cannot believe I am the damsel in this situation and I can't believe you just tied me!"

Something glints in his eyes for the briefest second. "I'd do it a lot more often if you weren't a terrible person."

For some reason, it makes me chuckle. It isn't a deep, guttural laugh, but it makes my heart swell just a bit. "Wolf dick."

"Dragon bitch," he sneered, that lightness consuming his gaze again. "Stay here," he repeats before standing up. 

"The wind should calm down once you get closer to the riddlemaker."

Goliath looks down at me. "What the fuck is a riddlemaker?"

"Obviously something that makes riddles." I bit my cheek to keep from chuckling. "Go through the path," my head gestures to my right. "Continue until you get to a small cottage. He will give you a riddle. Answer it correctly and he will give you the key."



Rosalie continues in front of us slowly. She stumbles now and again but manages much better nearer the ground than before. She fumbles from a gust of wind that drills into her and I reach down to pick her back up by the scruff. 

The path is cleared and it is bright as we continue for minutes. After another step, the wind lightens. We all glance at one another and move forward. 

"I don't think you have thought this through, Goliath."

Xerxes' voice is well heard now that the winds have died down somewhat. I don't regard him. 

"Considering you can't even fathom her being interested in another without promising murder, what do you think you shall do when she realizes she can no longer rule by herself?"

"Don't, Xerxes." Espen's tone is narrow. My eyes go to the other Segundas. 

"No one will question her power. She is the rightful Regent of House Dae."

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