43: The Death of a Rider

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"The Water Houses - Nyght, Pisces, and Scorpius - are known to absorb the energy around them. Water is considered to be the strongest force of nature as it is within everything and everything relies on it. They are mysterious and protective of their secrets. They are the Water Houses."


Ahsa is nearby on the precipice of the palace. She climbs from tower to tower as I walk the hall to meet her once more on the balcony. Once I exit, I smile over the House of Dae as my hands settle on the metal banister. She huffs as she settles on it beside me. She's large, and regal, lowering her snout for me to pet her. Dragons don't purr, but they do make a sound of content that sounds like a deep hum.

Her head suddenly snaps upward and she stands to her full height. She must hear something. I expect her to fly off as she usually does when she gets distracted, but instead, she lowers her head once again and latches her teeth on the back of my dress. We ascend and I roll my eyes in frustration at her. She hadn't picked me up like e a child in centuries.

It's infantilizing and annoying and she does it to get me where she wants right away. "You have not done this since I was a child! You annoying-"

She drops me but it's not a far descent and I land promptly on something hard yet thankfully soft. I realize, with my body slung over his shoulder, and my hair in my eyes, that she dropped me precisely on Goliath.

I quickly remove myself from him, shooting daggers at the dragon that sits above him on the grass. Asha lets out a menacing growl and I roll my eyes. "You can't be a bitch to him after dropping me to him."

She gives me a look like she's bored and I could swear she's rolling her eyes. I wish I could read her mind and know exactly what she is saying. Her wings come out and encircle both of us, her eyes remaining on me. I start to walk away to only be picked up again and placed right on top of him.


Her wings encircle us tighter, her large, white head peaking down at us. She looks almost...giddy. She has never done this before. Never has she insisted I remain with someone. I get off him and try to walk away. I feel her claw under my dress and she lifts me again to put me right in front of him.

"Maybe if I try to leave?"

A deep, warning growl darts through the hair from her and she bares her teeth.

"What is it that you want?" I ask her, my hands on her hips. She lowers her behind to the ground, sitting. She watches us almost excitedly and cocks her head. She mewls loudly, her paw darting in front of her to paw the ground in frustration. Frustration at what I have no idea.

"She knows you too have mated," a voice starts from above us. We look back at the palace where Lucian stands on the terrace, eyeing the scene.

"So?" my mate responds.

"Dragons mate to have hatchlings. She doesn't understand that we don't. She is wondering if Adalind is pregnant."

Asha lowers her head and gently nuzzles at my stomach, her eyes closing as she inhales my scent. I grow sad for her. She had never mated and never had any hatchlings of her own. While I was away, she struggled greatly, and now all she wanted was hatchlings. It didn't matter if they came from me or her, she just wanted to be a mother.

"Oh, my sweet girl. My heat has passed and we did not consummate. I cannot come with a child for another decade."

She whines and pulls away from me.


My head snaps to the voice that comes from my left and Asha takes off, leaving us as Daario comes sprinting towards us. With my eyes still on the path that she went, I ask: "What is it?"

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