12: Ride Me

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The sun is bright as I come down from the terrace to meet Goliath who waits just along the edge of the border. It's a lovely field of sprouting poppies which is almost overcome with friendly insects. They're drawn to Goliath, which he seems completely unware of, and the sight makes my heart flutter.

The largest man in any territory stands, dressed in black leathers with a sword strapped to his back, with an eclectic array of bees, butterflies, and dragonflies surrounding on him. He seems unbothered by it.

His hard expression does not soften as he sees me, in fact, it grows colder, his jaw tightening. "Do you always dress like that?"

My pace slows down. I look down at my pink gown that bellows outward. Perhaps the pink was atrocious - maybe it was too much, too feminine...maybe he preferred the attire of Grace or Rosalie who always seemed to wear trousers. I wanted to look nice for him today, and I thought this dress was pretty. "Like what?"

"Like you want every male you see to have you."

It's a hard blow. He didn't understand how far from the truth it was, but as I glance down again at the plunging neckline, I can see why he might say such a thing because the dress was revealing and I had a habit of only wearing revealing gowns for reasons I don't want to think of now.

He doesn't look guilty at my reaction and I bet he doesn't even think to consider how much his words affect me. They make my heart plummet to the ground, and embarrassment floods my cheeks. "I can change."

"It is too late now," he says frustrated.

Before I can respond, Xerxes, Demise, Rosalie, Grace, and Espen join us on the field. Grace looks at me and then at Goliath, a confused expression passing her face. She looks as if she almost pities me.

I open my mouth to speak just as another does so.

"Adalind!" Zielle bounds toward me, arms wrapping around my frame which I gladly return. "Good luck on your travels. Please be safe. Could I speak to you for a moment?"

My brows knit. Her eyes hold concern and pointed weight that I cannot ignore. I nod. We myst into my office which is silent. "What's wrong?"

"Prima Grace cannot go. It's too dangerous."

"Prima Grace is a very strong woman, Zielle, with incredible gifts."

"She's pregnant, Adalind." The way she says it is as if it's the biggest secret she's ever held. "But it's early. Too early. I only know it because she passed me in the hall."

I swallow. "How early?"

"A few days at most," she responds.

"Then you must tell her," I say as a matter of fact.

Zielle fidgets, her head dipping for a moment. She looks skeptical. "I will. I know that I need to, but this shouldn't be the way she finds out. She should find out on her own. It's an amazing process, and honestly, I fear that if she finds out this early, she'll change her entire routine which could prove to be even worse for the fetus."

"But she can't go because the trek is dangerous," I conclude. "Very well. I will figure out something."

As I return back to the field, I see the wolves standing together, speaking calmly. They've grown more comfortable within my lands which is welcoming to me. I come up with the only excuse I can think of that would force any mated pair to remain back. "I've just gotten word that there are divisions within House Gemini and House Capricornus that are...upset with the diplomatic relations between wolves and fae."

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