Their story

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"Keep it down big fella I'm not your only guest."

"Hi" said pepping my head out.

"Aww Danny is this your girlfriend, be a dear and introduce me" the tall figure said with a smile.

"Emma this is my friend Addy Salem but as i like to call them Aunty A, she basically raised me and the others."

"That's right honey and you came to visit old Aunty A."

"It's nice to meet you Mrs.?" I said with confusion "I'm so confused."

"Come on in and we will explain."

We walk inside, by now it dark out and me and Danny sit alone in the living room waiting for aunty A

"So how long have you to been dating" Aunty A says from the kitchen.

"Ah- no we aren't dating!" me and Danny shouted.

"Really? Then why y'all looking at each other like there is a 5-star buffa." she said coming into the living room with some sandwiches.

"Please stop, we came here on a serious matter." Danny said trying to keep a straight face.

"I see, their coming aren't they" she said with blank yet scary face.

"Okay can someone tell me what's happening!" i shouted in frustration.

Danny put his hand on my lap trying to calm me down.

"You sweet child, don't worry I'll tell you everything" addy said a little concerned.

I nod my head as she takes a deep breath in.

" i was born on the southern side of Texas and i had a loving family, until a snake got into the house when i was seven, it killed my dad, and my mom was bit but she was fighting the venom so she can get to me" i saw a tear coming from her face as she talked "we got out the house and she gave her locket then she was gone. I was sent to foster care, no one wanted me, that's when the scientist found me" she couldn't talk anymore with the tear streaming down her face.

"Her animal is a skunk, they thought they could make her better. They turn her into a skunk that can turn invisible. that's when me and the others came, we were 5, so she raised and protected us." Danny finished staring at me in the eyes.

I didn't know what to say as we sat there not speaking.

"I'm so sorry that happened to you," i try to smile.

"Dear, no need to feel sorry without that lab I wouldn't know Danny. You 2 go to bed in the rooms upstairs" Aunty A said getting up.

Me and Danny walk upstairs. I look at him and see tears that make me want to cry. We reach one of the rooms and I walk in, I sit on the bed watching Danny stare at me.

"If you need anything I'm right next door," he said in a serious voice.

I nod my head, while he closes the door. I lay back in the bed with so many thoughts going through my head. I just wish I could talk to my mom about this. I could tell her anything. I hear a knock.

"Hi dear are you okay" its Aunt A

"I guess so" i smile slightly.

"Do you want to talk."


"I'm all ears."

"Well, it's just that I miss my dad and he could be in danger. I lost my mom; I can't lose my dad. I don't want to die."

"One you will see your dad again i promise, 2 you won't die. I have never seen Danny care for someone so much, honey he will die for you." she said leaning on the door watching the ceiling.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" i laugh a little

"Go to bed darling" she closes the door.

I close my eyes and start to dream.

This one was so sad I'm sorry. Thanks for reading! what is Emma dreaming about? idk about you but i want to find out. :) (634 words)

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