Normal day

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I open my eyes slowly. I looked up to see I was sleeping on Danny. My face turns tomato Red as I try to get up but he pulls me back on to him.

"Don't move," He whispers in a cold, strict voice.

"She needs to breathe Chico bonito (pretty boy)" Carlos says looking down at us.

Danny groans and lifts his arm, setting me free.

"Thank you," I laugh awkwardly while Carlos helps me up. Danny sits up and glares at Carlos. Carlos winks at him and leads me over to Addy at the bar.

"Morning honey looks like you had a goodnight," Addy winks at me. I look down in embarrassment.

"Tia, leave the poor girl alone," Carlos sits on a stool next to me. Addy laughs and pulls out 4 plates. I don't know where the kitchen is, but she puts 2 waffles on each plate. Danny walks into a bathroom and shuts the door. I hear the door lock and a loud frustrated groan.

"Moon pie, do you have an answer for my question," I give Addy a confused look, "Do you like him?" I look down then at Carlos praying he will save me, but he just looks at his plate ignoring me completely.

"He's an amazing guy," I finally answer. Hearing my words Carlos gets up and walks out the door. "Is he okay?"

"Him and Danny are close but get jealous of each other really quickly," I looked at her shocked, "don't worry they're not going to get into a fistfight, he'll be fine, they both will." She smiles at me and pushes the plate towards me. "Boys get your asses in here and eat."

Both Carlos and Danny come walking in, sitting on each side of me. We eat while Addy makes jokes making me laugh my ass off. I notice Danny seems stressed. I lean over and whisper in his ear, "are you okay?"

He whispers back "I'm fine, don't worry." i nod at him and turn to Carlos.

"What's your animal?"

"Oh, Mi senora, my animal is the best," He smirks at me while grabbing both our plates.

"Really than what is it," He walked behind the counter and place the dishes in the sink.

"The majestic foxes," he throws his hands in the air.

"What's so special about a fox," Danny chimes in.

"Maybe it's the fact that I can glide through the air," Carlos glares at Danny.

"Cool," my eyes glow as his words spills from his lips. My mood switches immediately when I feel Danny's hand on my lap and his strict glare. "C-can I see," I mutter out.

"Of course," He turns into a fox, walks out from behind the counter, and jumps into the air. It's Like he's flying, when he gets close to the ground it's like he lands on an invisible floor and jumps back up. When he's done, he changes back, and I can't help but be amazed.

"That is so cool," I squeal in amazement. Carlos rubs the back of his neck chuckling and I feel Danny squeeze my thigh. I look at him with a feeling of guilt. "Thanks for showing me," Carlos bows with a devilish smirk.

"Emma dear, come with me," Addy saves me. We walk out the door and take a deep breath that turns into a slight laugh. "They're a bunch of flirts, they act mad, but they love each other."

"Yeah, they gave me anxiety," Addy chuckles While looking at the clouds. "Addy, I love Danny, but I can't Think about that while my father is in danger," Addy looks at me with great sorrow. "We're on the run."

"Then explain that to him moon pie, he will understand," Addy hugs me. I nod at her, and we start to walk back. Once I open the door, I hear the laughter of old friends. "Well, I see you 2 are finally having fun." I smile at the 2 boys trying to hide their laughter. I pull out my phone looking at the last call I made. I look at the smiling people Infront of me then turn off my phone completely, throwing it in the trash. This is my new family, my new home, my friends.


Hours go by and the stars come out. I sit outside with Carlo, pointing out constellations. 'That one's is actually a plant," I look over to Carlos who i just realized is staring at me, "what?" I laugh. He just shakes his head and looks at the sky. "That's the northern star, i think" He chuckles a little.

"You like the stars" He looks at me.

"I love them," i look at him and back at the stars, " i wish I could hold one, to own one, to be one.

"Want to go for a ride," He sounds amused. I smirk at him and nod. He smiles and transforms. I hope on his back, "3...2...1" he counts down and takes off after 1. He runs into a leap, and I don't know if I'm dreaming but i see so many colors all around me.

"This is amazing!" I yell, throwing my hands in the air. I looked up to see how close we were to the sky. "Wow" I say so low it could be a whisper. There's a twinkle in my eyes as I watch the purple, blue, and pink streaks on both sides of me.

"You like?" Carlos dares to ask.

"Are you kidding this is the best!" I yell, but I start to think he has to be a pretty strong fox to hold me up. Before I can think more, we start to go down. "Um floor," I get down low, "FLOOR!" I yell but then he hits an invisible floor and jumps back up.

"Don't worry Princesa i got you," he laughs at how scared I got.

"Should we head back?" I was not really wanting too.

"If you say so," he goes down and jumps back up in a different direction. I sigh a little not wanting to stop this memorizing adventure. I stick my hand out at the colorful lines. My hands flow through it as if I'm touching water. "Danny is going to kill me," Carlos looks at me for a second

"Why?" i ask knowing the answer.

"He doesn't trust me," He knows that still doesn't answer my question, "I made a big mistake when we were little."

"What did you do?" This time I really dent know the answer, but I want to.

"We weren't the only ones in the lab. There were many others, but Addy or Aunty A and Danny were my family." He fell silent for a good 2 minutes before continuing. "One day Danny fell in love with one of the girls, but she fell in love with me."

"Oh god, then what?" I dread what he would say next but still needed to know.

"She asked me to be her boyfriend but being that Danny is like my brother so i rejected her. Danny never blamed me but after that day he never trusted me around people he loved in that way." he landed outside the bar and i hopped off.

"That doesn't explain why your mad at him."

" i hated that he doesn't trust me and he took that as me trying to get at him."

"But you're still brothers who love and would do anything for each other." He nodded with a smile. He opened the door letting me in first. Not surprisingly Addy and Danny are still sleeping. I lay down next to Danny slowly trying not to wake him up. "Night"

"Night," he smiled, going behind the bar.

//// i know its late at night but i hope you enjoyed this chapter! 1263words

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