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Emma Pov

We've been in the woods for a full day. I need a shower and Carlos is pretty mad at Danny. Addy's been quiet, too quiet. As I sit against a tree with the sun in my face, Carlos walks up to me. His shadow blocks the sun as he stands over me. I look up at him and he sits next to me.

"Bellaza (Beauty) you apestar.(Stink" he laughs at me. I look at him annoyed which makes him laugh more.

"You're an ass," I spit out at him and chuckle. He smirks at me then glares at Danny. "You shouldn't be mad at him." i say slowly as not to anger him.

"He left her," he whispered in my ear coldly.

"What if that's not the whole story," i look at him with puppy eyes.

He sighs, "I'll talk to him," he gets up reluctantly. He looks down at me and I give him a devilish smirk.

Carlos Pov

I walk away from Emma and her evil smirk. I walk over to Danny who slowly looks up at me. I sat down and leaned on a tree. "Why didn't you ask her?" I couldn't look at him.

He waited a few seconds then answered, "Her brother, he asked me not to." I feel his eyes burning into the side of my face.

"Que" I looked at him confused.

"He knew the whole time," he looked down at his hands, "He said his sister would be safer there and that he was her older brother, all he wants is her to be safe." he started to shake his hand.

"Why didn't you tell me," I finally looked at him.

"Because I knew you would go back," I knew he was right, but I still looked away, "You would have put us all at risk and I couldn't let you or Addy get hurt." He looks me in the eyes with no guilt but remorse.

"I guess your derecho (Right)" I smiled a little, "I would go back." he laughed knowing he was right.

"Guys! Someone's here" Emma stands up fast.

Emma's Pov

We all stand up getting ready for an attack when Mia walks in and falls to the floor as soon as she sees us. She's crying and weak. "Please don't run," she begs. The others seem not to believe that she's weak.

"Come on Emma lets go," Danny grabs my arm but I shake it off. "What are you-" I held up my hand to stop him from talking.

"Where's your brother?" I ask her slowly to move towards her.

"They have him?" She mutters through her tears, "They said he'll be free if I bring you back."

"And if you don't?" I sat next to her. Danny tries to stop me but Aunty A holds him back.

"They'll kill him and then Lilo and finally me" She looks at me, her eyes filled with pain.

"That's impossible, Lilo is too valuable to them!" Danny yells

"They're done waiting, they'll get it out of her one way or another!" she yells back. I look at her hands. Her fingertips are burned, her hair chopped off with what I can assume was a knife.

"They hurt you" It was more of a statement than a question. She nods her head. I turn to the others, "We have to help her."

"Mia honey, we will help you as much as we can," Addy puts her jacket on her.

"Thank you," Mia smiles at her, "Aunty?"

"Yes, Darling?" Addy puts her arm around her, helping her up.

"I'm sorry" she rests her head on Addy.

"I know honey, i know," Addy rubs her back and starts walking with me right behind her. We walk to a hotel with me and Mia on Dannys back. Mia shows obvious signs of abuse, even though she hurt us I can't help but feel sorry for her. She falls asleep in my arms, her cheeks stained from her tears. "They Electrocuted her" I looked at her in shock. I wanted to say something but I was speechless. I wanted to ask why but I knew the answer.

We reached the hotel, and the girls got our own room. We put our stuff down and I head straight for the bathroom. I lock the door behind me, I slip my clothes off, I turn on the water at a good temperature. I stepped into the shower and when the water hit my dirty dry skin, it felt so good. The warm water washed my worries away, the soap scrubbed away the stress. I wanted to stay here forever as the lavender smell from the soap hit my nose. The water hits my face making me forget everything.

*10 minutes later*

Finally, I got out of the shower, a little disappointed that the nice feeling I once had went away. I wrapped a towel around myself and realized I forgot my clothes. I unlock the door and I stick my head out. "Hey Aunty"

"Already got it dear" Addy hands me my clothes.

"Thanks Addy" she smiles and nods her head, walking away. I dry my skin, lotion up, and put on my clothes. When i step out the bathroom to only realize there's only 2 beds.

"You 2 will take this room and I'll get my own," Addy picks her stuff up.

"Are you sure?" Mia asked her.

"Of course," she steps towards the door, "goodnight girls."

"Night!" both me and Mia say at the same time. Mia lays on one of the beds and I walk over to the other. I feel eyes burn into the side of my face as I sit on the bed.

"I'm sorry," Mia says as I look over to her. I give her a warm smile and a nod. "They're going to kill me for being here!" She looks at her hands.

"Why!? They hurt you and your brother, but you stayed there for so long? Why?" I look her dead in her eyes.

"I was scared. I didn't want to end up like my parents,'' I felt sorry for her.

"Do you know what happened to my dad?" I mutter out.

"I'm sorry, he doesn't have long," she looks at me with remorse. I nod my head in disbelief. We turned around and went to bed. Neither of us wanted to continue this conversation.

//// The story is almost done :). 1035 words////

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