The Dream

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I feel like I'm falling, everything is black. I want to scream; I want to move but I'm frozen. all i can do is fall.

"daughter" I hear a woman's voice "stop!"

Suddenly I stop falling and land in a room, my room, my room back home. I try to catch my breath, but I can't stop gasping for air. I look up to see in the middle of the room there's a woman with black hair and wings.

I try to speak "mom."

The women smile.

"But how?" I say with confusion.

"Much like your friends I have abilities," her voice so soft and gentle "but i was born with mine."

"How did I not know? Does dad know?"

"Of course, honey you are in danger."

"I know i am but what about dad."

My mom looks down. My heart starts to race but I hear my name being repeated over and over again. I look my mom dead in the eyes waiting for an answer.

"Listen your father is fine, but you are not," she sounds worried, "stay with your friends. The scientist wants you."

"Why?" i start to be frustrated and scared at the same time " why me, mom."

"Because you were born special, but your powers aren't unlocked. They want to unlock them and use you for war." she gets closer " my baby."

I stand there shocked; I can't believe what I'm hearing. I can still hear my name being called. My head is spinning, and I start to fall again but faster than before. I fall into a room but it's a cage with machines beeping. I try to move but I can't, I'm chained to the floor. My mom is standing right outside the cage.

"This is why i left" she said almost crying.

"Mom, you didn't leave. You Died!" I couldn't help yelling.

"I don't want you to be here, Danny will protect you," she said pulling something out her pocket.


"It's time for you to wake up, take this if you need me just open the locket."

"it's beautiful."

I was pulled backward but this time I could scream, and I did. i watch my mom get farther and farther. she wiped a tear from her face and spoke. 

"Goodbye daughter I love you."

I woke up to see Danny holding me in his arms, looking down at me. I look around to see Aunty A looking worried.

"Darling, you were screaming" she says walk towards me.

I sit up and say, "I'm sorry did I wake you."

"No, but we did get a visit from your mom" Danny cuts in.

I look at them shocked then look down in shame. I look at the window and see the sun, it only felt like a few minutes to an hour tops. Then I rush to touch my neck then I hold out the locket my mom gave me.

"So, it wasn't a dream." I whispered to myself.

"What is that?" Danny asked.

"It's from my mom."

"Thats nice honey" Aunty A chimed in

I smile as I remember my mom when she was alive.

"So, your like us." Danny says questioningly.

"I guess so."

"what's your animal moon pie."

i prosses her question, not wanting to say.  I feel their eyes on me waiting for my answer. An answer i will never say.

"let's just say I'm a monkey."

"Oh, how cute"

i hear cars pulling up.

"We have to go" Danny stands up fast.

"Why" i look outside to where Aunty A has her eyes locked.

"They're here"

This was a little happier. i hoped you like it, sorry its short. see you in the next chapter! (579 wo

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