Chapter 1: The Two Worlds

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After Anne sent Sasha and Marcy's parents the letter, she felt hopeless but knew she could return to Amphibia. she gets out of her chair and heads to bed, she puts her pajamas on and climbed into her bed. she covers herself up, she then sees the letters 'SW' and 'MW' written on the side of her bed. she looks at the MW letters, she remembers Marcy, she missed her so much. Anne felt like she couldn't save Marcy, she takes out the picture and strokes Marcy's face. "Oh Marcy, I'm so sorry, why did you have to feel like you we're alone, is it because we didn't listen to you, you should have told me about what your going through, Marcy, I promise you, I will be back, I will come back for you and we can come home together, me and you." Anne said, she wanted to be with Marcy, she wanted to hold Marcy's hand and never let go. She falls asleep, only thinking about Marcy.

The Next Day...

Anne woke up, she looks at her clock. It shows 9:00, she never stayed asleep that late. She gets up out of bed and walked down to the kitchen. "Hey Mom, Hey Dad." Anne said, "Hey Sweetie, we just got a call from Terri and Dr. Jan, they finished The Portal to Amphibia." Mrs. Boonchuy said, "No way, Awesome!" Anne said, "we'll go tomorrow, until then, we'll just get some supplies for the journey." Mrs. Boonchuy said, "Okay, I'll go get ready." Anne said, she rushed back up to her bedroom. She goes into her closet and got her clothes on, she then stops at the site of her and Marcy when they were kids. "Oh Marcy, I promise you, I be here for you and we'll be back together again." Anne said, she goes downstairs.

At The Bowling Isles...

Luz was trying to figure things out with her mother, she remembers what her mother said, "Luz, promise me that, when you come home, you'll stay with me, I didn't mean to push you away." Camila said, "Mom, it was never you, it never was." Luz said, "Promise me, Luz, please!" Camila said, "Okay, Mom, I promise." Luz said, "Oh Mom, I wish I never should have lied to you, I'm so sorry." Luz said, "Luz, are you okay?" King asked, "No, just thinking about my Mom." Luz said, "I know, but, we promise, we'll get you home." King said, "Thanks King." Luz said, she hugs King, Eda comes in, "Hey Guys, Luz, I know your your missing yor Mom, but, I promise you, we'll find a way to get you home." Eda said, "Thanks Eda." Luz said, she hugs Eda and King and heads to bed, "Mom, I'll be home, I promise." Luz said, she takes out her phone and looks at the pictures of her and Camila, she smiles, "Good Night, Mom." Luz said, she kisses the picture and heads to bed.

In Amphibia...

Darcy and King Andrias were ready, "Andrias, our robot army is finally complete, soon we'll be ready to invade Earth, and we'll get rid of Marcy's Prescious Anne Boonchuy." Darcy said, "My Lord, all preparations are done, The Invasion is now underway, we'll need some more villagers to work in the factories, I'll send more robots to get some more." Andrias said, "do it, we need all the help we need." Darcy said, Darcy leave the throne room and heads to the chamber.

Within The Core...

Marcy was trapped in the hive mind (Marcy is wearing the Darcy armor and cape, she's not wearing the helmet). Marcy couldn't do anything, "What have I done, Anne, I'm so sorry for everything, I wish I told you what I'm going through, I'm so sorry Anne, please don't hate me." Marcy said, she just wants to hold Anne's hand and never let go, she missed Anne, she remembers when they met, that was a good time, she won't forget that day, Anne became her everything, she loved that day, she met the girl she won't forget or ever leave behind.

Marcy's Flashback...

Anne and Her Parents came to the beach, they spent time together, Anne was just playing in the water, she saw a girl making a giant sandcastle, it was so gorgeous, Anne went over to the girl and said hello, Marcy was finished with her masterpiece, until some girl came over, "Hello." Anne said, Marcy said hi, "Hi." Marcy said, "This castle of your looks so good." Anne said, Marcy smiles, "Thanks." Marcy said, "it's from my favorite game ever, so I decided to build it." Marcy said, "I'm Anne by the way, what's your name?" Anne said, "Marcy." Marcy said, "Marcy, I really like that name." Anne said smiling, Marcy blushes at this, "Thanks." Marcy said, Anne and Marcy hold hands and become good friends, Anne went over and splashed the water away, "Hey Marcy, do you want to help me splash the water away?" Anne asked, "Umm... I rather I stay right here, I don't want to get soaked and-Ahh!" Marcy got cut off when Anne grabs Marcy's hands, Marcy giggles and they splash the water away so it doesn't Destroy The Castle, it was a losing battle, Anne and Marcy tripped and fell on each other, they giggled, but the castle got Destroyed, they saw it come down, "Aww man, the castle is gone." Marcy said, Anne turns Marcy's head, "Marcy, I know we lost the castle, but, we found each other." Anne said, she hugs Marcy, "Thanks, Anna-Banana." Marcy said, she gave Anne a nickname, "Anna-Banana, I love that nickname, I'll be calling you Mar-Mar and Marbles." Anne said giggling, Marcy really likes that, "Anne! It's time to go!" Mrs. Boonchuy said, "Okay! Marcy I have to go then, I'll see you soon, bye Marcy." Anne said, she hugs Marcy, and wave to her, Marcy waves back, she developed a massive crush on Anne, "Anne's so cute, wait, do I have a crush on Anne, oh my, I have a crush on Anne, she's so cute, I'll tell her how I feel someday." Marcy said, she goes home with her parents, only thinking about Anne.

Marcy's Flashback Ends...

Marcy smiles and tears up, "Oh Anne, I'm so sorry, I'm so sorry for everything, I wish I told you sooner, I'm so sorry Anne, please don't hate me." Marcy said, "Oh Marcy, don't feel bad, after all, you caused all of this, Anne neglected you after all." Darcy said, "Darcy, Shut Up, Anne did neglect me, but she's my friend, she knows I didn't mean any of this, she'll come back for me and she'll defeat you." Marcy said, "We'll see." Darcy said, Marcy falls to her knees in tears, "Anne, please come back for me, your My One True Love." Marcy said, "Anne, I Love You." Marcy said, she is in love with Anne and she knows her one true love will come back for her.

At The Bowling Isles...

Emperor Belos was preparing for The Day of Unity, he knew The Draining Spell will work, "Collector, The Day of Unity is approaching very quickly, soon all of These Witches will know not to underestimate Humans." Belos said, "Philip, you promised that once The Day of Unity is over, you'll set me free, you pinkie promised." The Collector said, "Yes, but, I'll need to work in my office, to prepare for The Day of Unity." Belos said, he goes up into his office, he sits in his chair and prepared the plans for The Day of Unity, he started falling asleep but wakes up very quickly, he then sees a picture of him and his brother, Caleb, he remembers when he killed his brother, he felt bad, "Caleb, I'm so sorry, I tried to save your soul, but, it's your fault this happened." Belos said, he smiles at the picture, he remembers when him and his brother had fun together as kids, he took care of him when they arrived in Gravesfield, Connecticut, they became Witch Hunters, he felt so bad for killing him but he continues his mission to Destroy The Witches, and tried to go back to Earth.

Both Worlds hang in the balance... Three Stars burning bright, coming from beyond to expel The Night, should they fight or embrace the fall, their choice will determine the fate of all... Seething Seas And Puppet Strings He No Longer Dreams Of Kings As Above Rush Darkened Skies As Below His Father Lies.

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