Chapter 7: Anne's Escape

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After Anne and Darcy go to bed, Anne cannot stop thinking about Marcy, she's deeply in love with her, she remembers when they met each other, "Marcy, I'm so sorry for what happened, I know what you did was wrong, but you did it to be with your friends, with me, I won't forget the day we met." Anne said, she flashbacks to the things she did with Marcy.

Anne's Flashback...

Anne and Her Parents came to the beach, they spent time together, Anne was just playing in the water, she saw a girl making a giant sandcastle, it was so gorgeous, Anne went over to the girl and said hello, Marcy was finished with her masterpiece, until some girl came over, "Hello." Anne said, Marcy said hi, "Hi." Marcy said, "This castle of your looks so good." Anne said, Marcy smiles, "Thanks." Marcy said, "it's from my favorite game ever, so I decided to build it." Marcy said, "I'm Anne by the way, what's your name?" Anne said, "Marcy." Marcy said, "Marcy, I really like that name." Anne said smiling, Marcy blushes at this, "Thanks." Marcy said, Anne and Marcy hold hands and become good friends, Anne went over and splashed the water away, "Hey Marcy, do you want to help me splash the water away?" Anne asked, "Umm... I rather I stay right here, I don't want to get soaked and-Ahh!" Marcy got cut off when Anne grabs Marcy's hands, Marcy giggles and they splash the water away so it doesn't Destroy The Castle, it was a losing battle, Anne and Marcy tripped and fell on each other, they giggled, but the castle got Destroyed, they saw it come down, "Aww man, the castle is gone." Marcy said, Anne turns Marcy's head, "Marcy, I know we lost the castle, but, we found each other." Anne said, she hugs Marcy, "Thanks, Anna-Banana." Marcy said, she gave Anne a nickname, "Anna-Banana, I love that nickname, I'll be calling you Mar-Mar and Marbles." Anne said giggling, Marcy really likes that, "Anne! It's time to go!" Mrs. Boonchuy said, "Okay! Marcy I have to go then, I'll see you soon, bye Marcy." Anne said, she hugs Marcy, and wave to her, Marcy waves back, she developed a massive crush on Anne, "Anne's so cute, wait, do I have a crush on Anne, oh my, I have a crush on Anne, she's so cute, I'll tell her how I feel someday." Marcy said, she goes home with her parents, only thinking about Anne.

Anne was just playing in the sand pit, she built a nice sand castle, she smiled, she's proud, until Marcy came over, "Hey Anne." Marcy said, they both smiled at each other, Anne and Marcy played with each other for a while, later that day, Marcy and Anne were sitting on the same swing together, Marcy fell asleep next to Anne, Anne sees this and smiled, "Marcy, your so cute when you sleep." Anne said, she blushes that she just called Marcy cute, "Wait, did I just call Marcy cute, oh my, I have a crush on Marcy, I will admit, she's very sweet, very cute, very beautiful and so pretty." Anne said in her head, she kisses Marcy's forehead, "I Love You Marcy, one day, I'll tell you how I feel." Anne said in her head, Anne picks Marcy up, she takes Marcy back to her house, "Mom, Dad, can we take Marcy home?" Anne asked, "Sure." Mrs. Boonchuy said, they go into the car, Anne sits Marcy down on the chair and sits next to her, Marcy holds Anne, she wants to be close to Anne, Anne sees this and smiled, she holds Marcy's hand and falls asleep next to her, Anne's parents suspect Anne and Marcy would someday become an official couple, they know it's going to happen, Anne and Marcy will date, someday.

Years later when their in middle school, Anne and Marcy were hanging out at Anne's house, they were on the couch together, Anne and Marcy hold hands and ultimately fall asleep, Anne wakes up and sees Marcy cuddle her, she bursts into a gay panic, she wants Marcy to have a sleepover, Anne asked Her Parents, "Mom, Dad, can Marcy spend the night here?" Anne asked, "Sure." Mrs. Boonchuy said, they know something is going to happen, "Young Love." They said, Marcy's parents bring Marcy's bag over, Anne and Marcy put their pajamas on, Anne and Marcy have fun, Marcy falls into a deep deep sleep, Anne smiles, she picks Marcy up and brings her upstairs to Anne's bedroom, she plops Marcy down on Anne's bed, Anne plops on her bed, she knows she can do it, "I Love You Marcy." Anne said, she kisses Marcy on the lips, Marcy is in a deep deep sleep, she doesn't know, Anne takes Marcy's pajama pants off, now Marcy is in her pajama shirt and underwear, she's still in a deep deep sleep, Anne rolls Marcy over, she goes on top of Marcy, she kisses the side of Marcy's thing, Anne grabs Marcy's left leg and kisses it over and over again, Anne lifts Marcy's pajama shirt up, she kisses Marcy's stomach, she kisses Marcy's breast, she then holds Marcy's face, she's still in a deep deep sleep, she kisses Marcy on the lips, Anne lifts Marcy up and still kisses her, Anne takes off Marcy's pajama shirt and Marcy's underwear, after this, Anne takes her pajama shirt off and her pajama shorts, Anne takes her underwear off, Anne and Marcy are now naked, Anne kisses Marcy on the lips again, Anne lays Marcy down and sees Marcy's naked body, she blushes, "Marcy, your so cute." Anne said, Anne lays down and wraps her arms around Marcy, she rests Marcy's head in her chest, Anne snuggles Marcy, she's cuddling Marcy, "Good Night Marcy, I Love You." Anne said, Anne kisses Marcy's forehead, she's in love with Marcy Wu and always have.

The Next Day...

Marcy wakes up, she looks at the clock, Marcy sees Anne was cuddling her, she smiles, she sees her pajamas and underwear on the bed, "Wait, why is my-" she blushes and looks at herself, she's naked, she looks at Anne and sees she's naked too, Anne took her pajamas and underwear off, she blushes, she realizes why Anne did it, she had sex with her because Anne's in love with her, Anne is in a deep deep sleep, Marcy puts her underwear and pajama shirt and pajama pants back on and puts Anne's underwear and her pajama shirt and pajama shorts back on her, now Anne and Marcy are back in their pajamas, she smiles, Anne has a crush on her, she kisses Anne's forehead, "I Love You Anne, I'll someday tell you how I feel." Marcy said, she walked out of the room, Anne wakes up and smiles, she was faking, she bounced around in excitement, "Marcy, I Love You Too." Anne said, she walked downstairs.

Anne's Flashback Ends...

She remembers when she had romance with Marcy, she looks at Darcy, she's still sleeping, Anne gets out of bed and escapes, she manged to find the exit, "Got Ya." Anne said, she gets out of The Castle and bounces around in excitement, she heads back to The Resistance Base.

The Next Day...

Darcy wakes up and sees Anne is not in bed, "Anne? Were did you go?" Darcy said, she looks for Anne, she cheeks the cameras, "Anne, why did you go?" Darcy asked, "Anne, I'm missing you, please come back." Darcy said, she wants Anne back.

At The Resistance Base...

Anne arrives at The Base, Anne, Sasha, The Planters, Grime, Olivia, Yunan and Frobo come up with a plan to stop The Invasion, "Guys, let's go." Anne said, they head out to stop Andrias and Darcy.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2023 ⏰

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