Chapter 6: No Other Way

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Tuesday 4:25 AM:

A few hours passed and I was awoken to SpongeBob having a panic attack. I jolted up to see him literally glowing and sobbing. He held his knees to his chest and kept repeating, "No.. No! NO!! No, No, No, No!" I felt my heart drop. In a panic, I grabbed his shoulders and tried to calm him down, "HEY! You're having a nightmare! Calm down! It's not real, okay?" My words didn't seem to come through to him. I didn't know what to do, so I just held him to my chest and waited for him to calm down. A few minutes passed and he eventually stopped shaking and hyperventilating. This was something I did not want to be dealing with at 4 in the morning. He was still holding onto me like his life depended on it. As I spoke, his grip slowly relaxed, "Sponge? Are you.. okay? Do you want to talk about it?" He looked up at me, tears still streaming down his face, "I-I.. I didn't b-break the curse in time.. A-And I felt t-trapped inside my body.. L-Like someone else took over my body.. I-It wasn't really me.. I watched someone else, it wasn't even a person.. I-I watched them live out my life while I watched and couldn't do anything.." I didn't even know he could have a nightmare that bad. My voice shuttered, "O-Oh.. That's.. terrible. SpongeBob, look at me, if you don't want that to happen, you have to kiss the guy you like. That's weird coming from me, but I can't imagine a world with you gone. You can be annoying and even sometimes rude, but believe it or not, I care about you. You don't deserve to live a life without love.. Now, do you want to go back to sleep?" He rubbed his eye and nodded like a small child. He whispered, "Hold me please?" I scoffed, but my body seemed to betray me, as I ended up blushing and laying down with him in my arms.

Wednesday 2:30 PM:

I sighed, we were at the Chum Bucket. SpongeBob thought there might be some way to break the curse without kissing his crush. This week has been so frustrating, I mean, I've been dragged around by SpongeBob who might actually never be himself again in two days if he doesn't kiss his annoying little crush, somewhere along the way, I've developed feelings for him, and now I have to deal with Plankton. Could this week get any worse? Plankton opened the door, "What are you two morons doing here? Don't ya got Krabs to keep you busy?" I wanted to insult that lowlife back, but kept my mouth shut. SpongeBob tried to explain, "Actually, we're taking the day off! But.. uhm, we need your help!" He showed Plankton the mark. Plankton wasn't the least bit surprised, but I'm sure he knew from Sandy what was going on. He sighed, "Ugh.. Come in." We walked inside and followed him to his laboratory. Plankton addressed the issue, "Sandy told me what happened already. I'm guessing you want some other cure, too embarrassed to kiss the person you like, huh?" SpongeBob blushed a bit, his hair turning pink at the roots and mark glowing slightly, earning a snicker from Plankton. SpongeBob replied, "Mhm.. Can you help me?" Plankton laughed, "No, I can't help you! There's not some scientific explanation or antidote I can give you! It's a curse, and you already know the only way to break it. How many days do you have left anyways?" SpongeBob looked a bit worried and reached for my hand. He took a deep breath, "O-Oh.. About 2? C-Can you tell me what's gonna happen if I don't kiss the person I'm in love with?" Plankton sighed, "I think you already know the answer to that question. Your true self will watch your life play out in a shade of gray while a lifeless husk controls your body. You won't have any control over what you do or say and you will hurt those you used to love. Life won't be worth living. There's no way to reverse it either, you'll have to live with the consequences. I hope you make the right decision, SpongeBob." SpongeBob stood up, I did as well, letting go of his hand. "Thank you." He spoke back to Plankton, leaving the Chum Bucket as I followed closely behind. Once we were out of the building, I saw SpongeBob begin to tear up again, shaking. I sighed and hugged him, "Sponge, you will be okay. You know what you have to do." He looked up at me, the symptoms obviously getting worse, "B-But, I can't just kiss him! W-What if he doesn't l-like me back? What if he tells everyone and they all hate me? I-I.. I can't do it!" I don't think I've ever heard him say 'I can't' before. It's always something sweetly optimistic instead, like, 'I can't, yet!'. I tried to help him understand the situation, "The article did say you were likely to be a lot more emotionally sensitive than usual, do you think you could just be overwhelmed? I mean, a kiss isn't that bad, right? Can't be worse than how little Krabs pays us. So, maybe you just shouldn't think about it so much and just go for it? You know?" He stopped crying and I saw his eyes light up with a little bit of hope and childish determination. SpongeBob wrapped his arms around my neck and pulled me close. I could tell he thought about kissing me, but he pulled away at the last second. We were both completely red-faced in the moment. He muttered, "S-Sorry! I-I.. I don't know what t-that was about!" I tried to change the topic, however I do not know WHAT I was thinking, "Let's j-just.. uhm.. go to.. the m-movies?" He smiled again, "L-Like a date!?" He was completely glowing. I dismissed the idea, "W-What!? No! Don't get any ideas SpongeBob!" Although maybe a part of me did sort of want to call it a date. Ugh!

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