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A/N — If you remember, in the last chapter, Jason had a sudden urge to say something but stopped himself last moment. But! What if the argument between Jason and Khian went on a little bit longer and with a little more intensity?

 But! What if the argument between Jason and Khian went on a little bit longer and with a little more intensity?

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KHIAN LOOKED LIKE he wanted to pull his hair out. "I'm not even supposed to be having this conversation with you right now. I'm supposed to be apologizing to her. So where is Angelique?"

My eyes widened. This idiot thought he could still talk to her. My mind went blank, and an impulse overtook me. The impulse to make a sarcastic quip.

"On my bed," I answered, with a believing smug smile.

Khian froze, his arctic eyes showing disbelief, surprise, anger, and most of all, envy.

Gods, this guy would've been totally toxic for Angelique.

I went on, feeling a bit haughty. "You know, right after she told me everything, she turned to me for comfort." I shrugged, "You can guess what happened next."

A vein popped out on his forehead and his fists were clenched tightly. Khian looked like he wanted to swing but knew there was no point of trying to do that through an Iris Message. I folded my arms and we stood there, just staring at each other in silence. Well, Khian was glaring and I felt a shiver go down my spine that happened involuntarily. Zeus Almighty, if glares could kill, I would have to give it to Khian.

"You..." Khian had to take a deep breath to continue. "You guys did what? "

"Is your head as dense as ice?" I said. "I just told you to guess. It's not that hard to figure out."

Finally, Khian broke the staredown by pacing back in forth. He muttered to himself while I waited patiently. I could see an intense debate going on in his mind. Unlike Angelique, Khian was very easy to read, especially when he's mad. When he's sad, he doesn't like to show it, I noted in my mind, but it's still not that hard to tell.

A hawk screeched in the distance.

Khian finally stopped in his tracks. "You're lying."

I almost rolled my eyes. Did it really take him that long to figure it out? His jealously clouded his better judgment. I had only known Angelique for about six months and even I knew Angelique's behavior well enough that she wouldn't do the deed in the middle of a quest.

"You don't know that," I replied calmly. "You should ask Angelique. Yeah, she'll be real happy about that inquisition." I paused as I pretended to frown. "There's something wrong with the reception, I think our time has run out."

"What do you meant?" Khian sputtered. "It's perfectly fine."

His eyes widened as he saw my hand raise to dissolve the image. "Grace," he warned. "Don't you dare, we're not done—"

I interrupted. "Good day." The son of Khione was put into silence when my hand cut through the image, making it dissipate into the air.

I just stood there, looking at the empty air, wondering if what I did was practical. No, it definitely wasn't like me to act that way. And perhaps I shouldn't have. But I felt good about it all the same.

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