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DROWNING, DYING, IN my own element

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DROWNING, DYING, IN my own element. That had to be one of my phobias, along with falling in love. Not a fear though. My fears could not be objectified. They were something else worse than Tartarus.

But that didn't mean what was happening to me at the moment was not absolutely terrifying.

The current was ruthless, grabbing me like a fist, squeezing my lungs and pulling me in deep. I could not breath underwater like usual, the river's waters practically suffocated me. However, I could hold my breath for long and I was never one to panic easily. Instead, I only focused on breaking myself free from Achelous' hold.

But before I was able to do anything, I was thrust to the surface. 

However, I was still not free. Instead, a whirlpool locked me in place.

A few yards away, Jason also broke the surface. He gasped and swung his sword wildly, but there was nothing to attack.

Twenty feet to my right, Achelous rose from the water. "I'm really sorry about this," he said.

Jason lunged toward him, summoning the winds to lift him out of the river, but Achelous was quicker and more powerful. A curl of water slammed into Jason and sent him under once more. Suddenly, panic really did seize me.

My voice came out shakier than intended, my calm for once no where to be found. "I'm warning you," I said, "let him go."

"I'm afraid I can't stop," said the river god. "I can't let Hercules have my other horn. It would be mortifying."

"Perhaps, but you don't have to kill us," I reasoned.

Jason clawed his way to the surface again. A miniature storm cloud formed over his head. Thunder boomed.

"None of that, son of Jupiter," Achelous chided. "If you call lightning, you'll just electrocute your girlfriend."

"Gods, for the last damn time, I'm not his girlfriend."

The god just shrugged as the water pulled Jason under again. I breathed in sharply.

This time, I let as much persuasiveness as I could in my voice. I had no charmspeak, but I didn't need it. "I beg of you, let him go. We won't give your horn to Hercules, I swear it."

Achelous hesitated. He cantered over to me, his head tilting to the left. "I believe you mean that."

"I do," I promised. "Hercules is despicable. But, please, first let my friend go."

The water churned where Jason had gone under. I wanted to scream. How much longer could he hold his breath? What was he thinking right now? About how I was failing him?

Achelous looked down at me through his bifocals. His expression softened. "I see. You would be my Deianira. You would be my bride to compensate for my loss."

𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 ━ 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now