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A/N — Ever wonder how Khian fell in love? What exactly happened when he first got to camp? It's all here... narrated by your favorite icy demigod.

Just a reminder, Khian is almost eight and Angelique is seven and a half.

They're both eleven past the third page break.


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LIKE ANGELIQUE, MY MORTAL PARENT did not care for me. I suppose that's how you attract the snow goddess Khione. Be icy and indifferent the way she is.

My arrival at Camp Half-Blood was nothing exciting or dangerous.

In fact, it was quite anti-climatic.

At the age of seven—almost eight—my father, the famous model Daven Smith, had his chauffeur Jacob drop me off unceremoniously at a hill in which a strawberry farm lay beyond. No explanations.

I was still confused and probably in shock. I had just stood there staring at a peculiar looking pine tree in the distance. Eventually the night came and still I stood there, wondering why I was here and if this was some weird test my father was putting me through.

In the distance, I saw figures pass by the pine tree. It was a group of people. In retrospect, it was perhaps a couple of demigods on patrol that found me, accompanied with a satyr. The satyr had probably smelled my demigod scent. But of course I didn't know all that then.

I remembered thinking what a weird group they were.

When they saw me from beyond, they started running towards me. As they got closer and in hearing range, I heard unusual words like "unclaimed" and "demigod?". And when they were in clearer sight, I had also realized they did not look like people who worked at a strawberry farm at all.

They were teenagers. There was two girls and a boy, who didn't really look like a boy with those furry legs and horns. They all were wearing orange shirts with the words "Camp Half-Blood" on them in bold black greek styled letters and what seemed to be a pegasus print below it.

When they got to me, one of the girl asked me if I was lost, and if I was okay. I had forced my lips to open and respond with a feeble "no", and that was enough to answer both questions.

"He must be freezing," the boy said, with a weird accent in his voice. He had a kind of throaty voice. Some part of my functioning brain thought he sounded like a goat.

I frowned. "I'm not cold," I had whispered.

The same girl who had asked if I was okay suddenly pointed above my head. The group looked up and back down at me with a smile.

"He's a demigod," said the other girl who was a brunette. "Khione's cabin. Explains his immunity to this freezing weather tonight."

I looked up and saw a brilliant snowflake. At closer inspection, it was very detailed, the ice crystals shimmering in the dark. I squinted, trying to make sense of this weird mirage.

𝐓𝐇𝐔𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐒 𝐎𝐂𝐄𝐀𝐍 ━ 𝐣𝐚𝐬𝐨𝐧 𝐠𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐞Where stories live. Discover now